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Everything posted by marmotank

  1. Update: i have achieved what i wanted to do, the point halving happens now, i just had to break everything apart and re do it apparently, my only issue now is that i would like to make it so the order in which teams qualify for the continental competitions comes from the two groups of 6, and not from the original league, since i cant add the points from the 6 team leagues because otherwise verifying it will tell me that teams "have played more than the max number of games in stage 0"
  2. Hi, im looking for a way to take the points earned in a league and cut them in half for the next stage of that league, which is a group of the first 6 placed teams, imagine something like belgian league for reference, i am able to verify and play it, with the option of transfer standings selected but whenever i holiday the league the point halving does not happen ever, and i would love some help in knowing why Uruguay D3 (Marmota) V2.fmf
  3. to add to this, here are 3 screenshots from holidaying, maybe they help, ill describe the images in order: 1) screenshot taken before the 33rd match (so right before the groups are established) 2) screenshot taken after the 33rd match (Split has happened) 3) screenshot from the 36th match, no point halving ever happened
  4. Ok so, i think im at my mental limit with this edit, im really trying to make a league with a split after 33 rounds (Leagues made up of 12 teams, the splits would make a group with the upper 6 and then the lower 6) which would end up with a total of 38 games in a league season, and when the groups form the teams should have their points halved, my issue is that i can't seem to get it to work no matter what i do, ive tried copying straight from the belgian and scottish leagues that have a similar system but i end up running into one of 2 problems: a) the file verifies correctly and i can play on it, league works perfectly, but when the split happens the points dont reduce themselves to half at any point, and it doesnt seem like its doing it behind the scenes or that im having a visual bug b) the file doesnt verify properly because there isn't enough time before the season update day for the season to end, which i am certain should not be possible with the time i have given the league, specially because when it works theres several 2 week long or similar spaces without any games, so some options may be adding more games than needed somehow but i can't tell which ones are so please if you have created anything similar to this i need your help, i am a newbie to advanced rules so im probably missing a small thing and not realizing, i would really appreciate the help (if you download the file the league with the split is the first division, the rest work fine and do not use this system) TEST3.fmf
  5. ive given up ive tried copying straight from other leagues and idk what makes it not work
  6. it shouldnt add dates? like the way it works is its 12 teams that play each other 3 times and then at the end you get the top half playing 5 extra games and the bottom half another 5 games between each other, so everyone plays 38 matches, this works perfectly in my testing on the game the only thing that is missing is the point halving, i am not sure why changing this number makes it unplayable to be honest, it could be somehow doubling the match count? like playing the league twice? i am not certain but that would be my guess
  7. when i test it in game before this change you suggested dates work just fine and it finishes by early november, its only 38 games in a season without cups and international stuff so i dont see why it would require so much time
  8. tried it and it causes an error when testing rules, the tournament does not finish in time for any date that i place for the season update day, i even put on the last day im allowed to set and it still does not have enough time (which im certain it does because by october there was only 3 matches to be played), once i remove the thing you said it goes away and it lets me verify regardless of date
  9. Tried that now and its still the same, i had left it off because other leagues that worked this way had it off, i am not sure what effect it had (if it had any)
  10. Oh, it seems to not be possible to do the regional thing yeah I dont understand what im doing wrong with the first problem though, my league and the split works perfectly fine and i have the option set to only take 50% of points to the next stage but that specific part does not seem to work in any of the tests ive ran, what am i missing? (pictures are from a) before the last match before the split happens b) after said match c) after all matches have been played)
  11. Thank you for the help! where exactly in the advanced rules is it? im kinda new so i havent tinkered much with them
  12. Hello, i have 2 different questions to ask and i dont know if these are possible to edit: 1. I am trying to make a league with a split at the end of it, sort of like the scottish league, i wanted to ask if there is a way to halve the points of both groups once the split happens to make it more interesting? and if the answer is yes how do i make that happen? 2. I also tried making a league that is above a series of regional leagues, i wanted to know if it was possible to make it so if Team X gets relegated that it gets relegated to the specific regional league it should be in, instead of ending up with a team from Y region playing in X League Hope this wasnt too complicated to understand, i can always clarify if necessary
  13. When i make a league with split, how can i make it so the points are halved once the split happens?
  14. Im not sure if this is intended, but im playing as Nacional (Uruguay) and im getting all the transfers correctly except for three who should have joined me at the start which are: Ignacio Ramírez, Yonatan Rodríguez, Federico Martínez and Francisco Ginella. They appear on the classic mode of FM if i start the game there, but they dont have a date to join at all in this one, maybe i am wrong and Real World only deals with real transfers but these players played at the start of the tournament and actually still play for the club as of now.
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