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3 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. Update, the game recognizes it now. It only took 14 matches for him to realize he was playing in the position he was promised.
  2. This error in your game has profound effects on a coach's career. A broken promise will carry for the rest of your career, which could affect getting jobs or transferring players who won't trust you. In the short term, this player is a star player and playing well for my team. This can crash his morale which can have a ripple effect through the club (Player happiness has been horrendous in FM24), and the team will start playing poorly. This is a management game so playing a player in a position is the most basic fundamental thing in this game. This isn't a bug, it is a massive flaw.
  3. This is an incredibly bugged game. I found another. My player does not recognize that he is playing in NCB like he was promised and I will get dinged with a broken promise because of it. I am absolutely playing him in his positon. I've tried every variation of it (Defend, Stopper, and Cover). It is not recognizing any of it.
  4. Japan has no physios available. I waited for months (in-game months) but none have shown up. This appears to be a bug because many teams within Japan have no physios. This has never happened with any other country that I've coached in. It makes no sense that physios would not be available because it is a rich country. This is massively disappointing.
  5. I have a 14 year-old player who was born on February 19, 2023. In my save, I am at March 9, 2024. This is not possible. There might be a clue to what is happening. His contract expires on February 20, 2040. If we do math, that is the day he turns 17, which is the day he is eligible for professional contracts. It also appears that his age is frozen in time because he started at 14, he'd be 15 by now. I'm guessing that 14 is the minimum date that the game will recognize. So maybe the game actually thinks he is 1 year old. As much as I would love to have a 1 y/o wonderkid for the next 16 years, I think this needs to be corrected. I highlighted both dates in the screenshot, and provided the game file in the cloud.
  6. Oh that is HUGE!!! I was thinking this was a rigid J-League rule. Happy to know this was a bug. Thanks for your help.
  7. It looks like others are reporting this issue but I'll send mine in for another example. This is critical since if your team is in J1, you will need 4 Homegrown at Club (HGC)s in your game day squad. I likely don't have all the games saved right where you want them because it all happened over a 1/2 a year. I thought I just was not understanding the rules but things got worse and after reading other threads, it seems like it is a problem in FM. Here are my observations: 1. When you loan your player out, it zeroes your player's training at club. Mine was 186 days out until I loaned him out. His training at club started at his loaned club but his status for training at my club disappeared. 2. When I got him back at the end of the year, his HGC status is just empty. I don't get any numbers. In fact, all of my players don't have statuses of HGC. I attached what I am looking at and this is how all of my players' statuses look like for HGC - empty. 3. Since I don't know where they are on their status, I cannot loan any of my players because it is critical for this league to have good HGCs. This is a massive bug that needs to be fixed since the league rules are so rigid with having 4 HGCs in your game day squad.
  8. I am noticing this problem too and was about to send my example as well. With HGCs being so critically important to J1 teams, it is a really bad bug if this is what it is.
  9. 1. Player is training poorly (in the low 5s poor). 2. I confront him and give him a target. He agrees. 3. I get a loan offer and accept to send him out on loan. 4. I get this email: After speaking with Daisuke Nishikawa, I believe that he is unhappy you broke your promise to guarantee his future if he met the ongoing target set for him and is seriously considering his next move. WHY?!?! What promise did I break? Are you telling me I can't loan out a player who has a training target on him? All of this work you put into targets are worthless if that's the case because I'm never going to use that useless feature again if it's true.
  10. Is there anything we can do to get our players to play better or work harder? They are super touchy in the locker room, so until you fix this I'm just going to tell them nothing. Some of them won't even admit they are training poorly and when they insist that their 6.4 is good training, they get upset that I tell them its not. You can't fine them anymore... Team meetings are 50/50 at best and you can tank a bunch of bright green arrows to the deepest red morale in one meeting. Tell me - Is this reasonable? Would this EVER happen IRL??? Why can't we fine them for poor training? If we can fine them for getting a red or missing training, we surely can fine them for slacking off in practice shouldn't we??? If I can't tell them mediocrity isn't good enough, what can I do? Is this just Director of Football Operations Manager now where we just manage rosters?
  11. Just take away the locker room talks already. This feature is useless. Only bad things can happen from it and I am really sick and tired of having players upset because I told them the obvious. You like to flex your "consistency with IRL" thing, well any professional football player who is paid to play a game would not take criticism so harshly as your FM players do. This is really annoying. Sure, you say "its a known problem" over and over like you have for about a month, yet you're doing nothing about it. When is this patch coming? And when it does, this better be fixed because this is by far the worst issue in the game. I can't tell my players that they played poorly? That they played below standard? That they were sloppy on defense and gave up 3 goals to a bad team?! Can a coach be upset and express that to their team to implore them to play better?????? Fix this! Please! I'm begging you! This is out of control and despite the set piece management being greatly improved, this is BY FAR the most unenjoyable FM I have ever played. I'll attach the game files but I am losing hope with you folks because I see nothing being done about it.
  12. I need to fire my assistant coach and hire a new one. In previous FMs, I could offer a coach the position and they would give me an option to take over the duties of the incumbent. FM24 gives me this option sometimes but I have encountered this numerous times where they don't give me that option. Please fix this or explain to me why this option isn't given to me. Do I need to fire my coach first to leave a vacancy?
  13. Player unhappiness is completely broken in this game and it is disenchanting that the devs are so slow to do anything about it. I was hoping for a good fix when the full game came out but nope. It never happened. They need to patch this ASAP. My favorite is when one is upset, then there are 7 teammates who support them. Then finally after 3 months, the original guy gets over it and moves on. Only for the guy supporting the original guy to now be upset. Then on and on like a chain. That makes absolutely no sense at all. So basically you have a team of who is upset at you for the whole season. What’s worse is that there are no options to speak to the player or the captain to resolve the unhappiness, unlike previous versions of this game.
  14. My manager just finished guiding a team away from relegation and is not getting credit for it. I thought a big change from last year was once something was accomplished, it was immediately recognized. I am quite disappointed that this has happened. Do I have to wait for the season to turn over? or is this another bug where I am not getting credit for something I did? Incredibly frustrating to lose a potential managerial position because of this flaw.
  15. Its South Africa's domestic cup so FM calls it South Africa FA Cup.
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