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2 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. So I want to change a designated player contract into a normal one but I'm unable to do so with the editor? When I go to club contract details it lists a variety of options but I can't select them. Also it doesn't automatically do this when I lower their wages, like I think it did in previous FM's.. Anybody know if you're able to change a contract like this?
  2. This is the way I enjoy playing the game. I manage a bunch of teams but I run into a problem which is that when they have games at the same time you're forced to play them all in a row. There's no way to save inbetween games and sometimes I don't have time to do them all. Why isn't there a save function inbetween games and/or am I missing a way to do this? Is there a setting that makes them not all start in a row? Thanks
  3. The save file I uploaded together with starting this post is the initial save file where I noticed everybody called Gómez was named double. On that save file I did use real name fix(es) and facepack(s). However on the screenshots I added is where I started a new game on my laptop, where I have none of these packs installed and play it as it comes and it happened there as well. I tried uploading a new save I just started on my laptop to show again but it says the file is too big. 🤭
  4. Anybody know why I can't see and purchase the pre-game editor? I see some people are on it but I can only get the in-game editor seemingly.
  5. So, the full game is now out-- I downloaded it and started a new save and it's still happening. Everybody called Gómez is called Gómez Gómez. I'm NOT the only person experiencing this as can be read above, and I've added the screenshots showing I have it where I do use custom packs and where I DO NOT use custom packs and it's still happening. Is there any fix or will I have to go through every Gómez in the ingame editor and do it myself or something?
  6. I have a question about transfer windows when controlling multiple clubs... I plan on doing a save where I control more than one team, some in Europe, some in Southern America etc. I know there's the option to close the first transfer window and I always use this, but, now a question arises; When I choose to close the first transfer window it will obviously apply to the Brazilian league that starts months before the European one(s) do. So I know it will be closed for me at the Brazilian clubs, but when/before the European clubs start their season there will be first/second transfer window and will this then be open or will it be closed because it's those club's first transfer window in the game and it takes it into account or no? I hope I explained my question well enough.
  7. I've taken some screenshots from my laptop where like I say I use zero face packs, no name fix or anything. I started a new game there just to show.
  8. Thanks for replying! I'm confused however, because yes I do use some custom stuff like name fixes and face packs but on my laptop that I use as well I have ZERO custom graphics and I had the same thing when I started a save. Plus I'm active on Twitch and asked some streamer(s) about this and some had the same thing as well... Now I get they could be using name fix and face pack themselves and have the same issue therefore but on my laptop I had/have it too.
  9. Is this an individual problem I'm having or are more people having this issue? I didn't know where to post this so I did it here, sorry if it's the wrong place. The issue: Everybody who is named Gómez is named Gómez Gómez in my save (I tried starting new saves and the same thing happened, even re-installed the game and tried a save on a secondary laptop and I had it there too). For example Sergio Gómez is called Sergio Gómez Gómez, Alejandro Gómez is called Alejandro Gómez Gómez. I checked for the name Gómez in my game and all managers, staff managers and players have the double named thing going on. I added an image of my search results, it obviously doesn't show all of them but it shows a few. Notice how Joe Gomez is called just Gomez once because it's not Gómez? Also there's one exception to Gómez who doesn't seem to have it and it's Victor Gómez from Braga. Anyways, does anybody know a fix?
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