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Posts posted by CoffeeKittyGrey

  1. First observation: It isn't validated for this patch. I'm just doing that now and then I'll have a look and see why it isn't loading.

    Shows up in game, as a file, but when you test in editor it isn't there.

     I've sometimes found changing the base year from 2000 can delay the start of a competition.

  2. 17 hours ago, snowofman said:

    It has just been talked about in here

    The easy way is to look at a skin that has it and then look into the sidebar menu table file and see how they have done it

    Seemingly the code needs adding at the bottom of sidebar menu table xml, but I'm getting XML parsing errors when loading the skin, then no sidebar at all once loaded.

    Does this look right?

    	 <!-- Primary Logo -->
            <widget class="picture" id="lgtF" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="true" image_alignment="bottom">
            <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="bottom" inset="50"/>
            <attachment class="test_setting_attachment" get_setting="show_badges" default_value="true" set_property="hidn">
            <boolean id="value" value="false"/>
            <!-- tells the picture to listen to the 'main picture' global property being set, and set its own file property from it -->
            <record id="object_property">
            <integer id="get_property" value="mnpc" />
            <integer id="set_property" value="file" />
  3. On 21/11/2023 at 14:26, kevhamster said:

    The Ryzen 7 7840HS would seem to be the sort of thing you're looking for:


    Do I even need a 13700H/HX when an i5 might do for FM?

    No, you don't need the i7-13700H, however you will find it processes the game quicker than the 13th gen i5.  However, the 13th gen i5 chips are still superb, so you may want to go that route to save yourself a bit of money.

    At the moment I've been eyeballing an Omen 16 with 13700HX and a 4060 for about £1400, but I'm concerned it's just going to be hot, loud and overkill for FM.

    Perhaps check reviews for things regarding noise and heat, it's really impossible to say personally without trying the rig myself.


    Thank you Kev,

    Yes I've built quite a few i5 desktops for people and they're excellent value gaming chips, as is the 7600/7600X.

    I've had a look at the 7840HS based on your link there in trying to comprehend the differences to Intel in terms of performance/power/thermals and it seems there's several options for AMD from H (45W) through HS (35W) and on to HX (45W+OC'ing). Seems that they tend to be close to the comparable Intel chip whilst generally making for a cheaper laptop price. I'm going to look at some efficiency/thermals reviews to better understand which brand to go for. Thankyou for the recommendation.

  4. Literally the only game I play on a laptop is FM, chiefly because I can, and it's convenient while doing other things and while commuting.

    My XPS13 just died, 1185G7 and Intel Iris XE. Was starting to struggle with FM23 tbf.

    I think I'm going to need at least a dGPU going forward in a new laptop, likely at least a 4050/60 that should see me through another three years, but I'm torn on CPU.

    Does AMD offer anything that's similar to the 13700H/HX? Or more efficient, with less heat?

    Do I even need a 13700H/HX when an i5 might do for FM?

    Any thoughts welcome, I'm really more of a desktop builder so finding a laptop that's more like the Omen/XPS style and less like the MSI/ROG/Zephyrus style with a decent CPU is becoming a confusing area.

    At the moment I've been eyeballing an Omen 16 with 13700HX and a 4060 for about £1400, but I'm concerned it's just going to be hot, loud and overkill for FM.

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