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Everything posted by w44643233

  1. Two screenshots of the match PKM, I don't know if the file sent is correct, please check it Guangzhou对阵Sichuan Jiuniu.pkm Guangzhou对阵YB Longding.pkm
  2. Look at the lighting effects of these two images to make sure that their weather is not inverted?
  3. There are very serious problems with the light during the day, the same time, the same stadiums. 17 degrees, the weather is not completely sunny, and 30 degrees of sunny weather compared to determine the two light chasing effect is not opposite?
  4. Personal guess, player data BUG. Could have something to do with the "Skip the race" button?
  5. I have a guess. Does it have anything to do with skip the game?
  6. Why the fake player ID BUG and the youth team not using replacement player BUG, the beta has not been fixed until now, such a serious issue should not be dealt with first? I can't continue playing without fixing these bugs. Is there an estimated time to update these issues?
  7. Why hasn't this been fixed?! Shouldn't such a serious problem be a priority?
  8. Why hasn't this been fixed?! Shouldn't such a serious problem be a priority?
  9. I don't know why, maybe I'm lucky? The BUG that bothers me the most right now is that the youth team does not use substitute players in games. There is also an error in the fake player ID of the youth team, and the real player ID is used.
  10. Can I ask what skin you used? I've never had this problem. Switching to the original skin won't solve the problem,You need to start a new game to solve it. As far as I know, many people have this BUG,What they have in common is that they all use the FLAYUS skin to launch the game.
  11. I've also seen a lot of people discussing the bug where player data isn't being displayed correctly. But I have never had this problem from the beta version to the official version, and I don’t know if it is caused by different skins.
  12. Very disappointed, but I hope this problem can be solved if the database is updated. I think just changing the initial ID of the fake player can solve this problem.
  13. I tested some Asian leagues to see the officially advertised light and shadow effects. However, the official publicity used the English Premier League, and there was no such light and shadow effect. Can only wait for the next official update
  14. BUG has not been fixed in the official version This BUG only appears in the player's youth team games. For example, the player coaches Luton Football Club, and other coaches are responsible for the U18 and U21 games. Then all Luton U18 and U21 games do not use substitute players, except in the case of injuries. This BUG did not appear in the computer vs. computer competition.
  15. fake player uses real player ID,BUG has not been fixed in the official version The pictures below are of the youth academy selection team, all fake players, but they used real player IDs and photos. This is a problem that exists in beta, why hasn't it been fixed yet?
  16. Why hasn't the issue of the official version been solved
  17. Yes, youth teams do not use substitutes unless a player is injured. This issue was discussed in beta, but it hasn't been fixed yet。 There are also fake, virtual youth academy players for the U18s, using real player ids and real player photos
  18. Beta bugs still exist. 1. Virtual players of youth training use real player ids, resulting in photos of real players 2. For the U21/18 youth team, the coach of the team does not use substitutes in all matches unless there are injuries.
  19. The file is too big, I uploaded it to owncloud, the name is Luton.fm, please confirm whether you have received it
  20. Thank you for the update. I know the weather in the country has an impact, but during the day, in any weather, the shadow of the players is not obvious, almost invisible. It's not what the promo looks like
  21. The most serious thing is that in daytime games, it is difficult to see the shadows of the players in any weather. This is too different from the promotional video.
  22. I want to know if other players have experienced the officially promoted light and shadow effects.
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