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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"
  1. Ino mate been years and they can’t fix this it’s a joke works for some Dosent work for others how can that be the case
  2. Hello @Zachary Whyte we all use normal internet I use Virgin media other 2 use Sky should make no difference we connect to all other games that we play just Football manager we have this issue and have done for years no we are not on Ethernet cables as that shouldn’t be the issue it’s not a connection problem it’s ur game problem all of us use 1 main router the in 3 separate houses so none of us are on splitters and we are all on open Nat type and can all connect in party please fix this issue
  3. A reply from the Devs would be appreciated or anyone that knows how to Mitigate the Issue and has a work around please comment thanks.
  4. Absolutely disgusting this issue was also in last years game and the game before only 2 people can access the game the 3rd player is Stuck on a (Joining Online game) Screen tried multiple times All tried to host Tweaked settings, leagues Nothing not working please fix this online issue 3Rd year running
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