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2 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. Thanks. How do you feel about using 2 IWB in a counter attacking tactic? I made some tweaks to my main tactic. The plan is to stick to counter attack in the Prem which is my first focus. I came up with this .I love combination of SV and IWB. I like how SV bursts forward and IWB forms a sort of a double pivot with BWM that stays deeper. 3 at the back that's made with an IFB seems to be solid enough. (Swerts is IWB(De) and Mane is BWM (De)). Love it. I'd like to get the most out of my CAM since I got Kroupi and I bought a fairy capable AF wonderkid Gonzalez . I'm gonna run some tests to see if SS and AF can work together even if it feels counterintuitive. Kroupi's stats are too good to waste on being solely AP (Su) and I already have a guy for that position if I was to stick with it Ochoa . I'd like to know your opinion on that. SS+AF -- I'm thinking to try SS+CF Su?
  2. I'm not accustomed to use IFB or IWB. I did some tweaking. Is this more or less how we're gonna look in attack? I'm not sure how to make Castro less isolated. How about I ask Solis to run wide with the ball? I've also been thinking about using SV(at). The way I imagine their movement is that they move all the way as second striker? or somewhere between CAM and ST. Is there any chance that this turns into this and makes any sense?
  3. Congrats. Next season try to offer him a new contract. Try getting rid of the clause at the expense of higher wage. I did that to my wonderkids. I'm trying to form a tactic to control the game better. How do we like it?
  4. He isn't loaded in my game I'll keep Urbig. Thanks for the input though. I wouldn't use Savio anywhere except out in the wide because of how good of a winger he is. Quick, agile with good dribbling and crossing is too good to miss in my opinion. He lacks passing and mentals to be a prolific AM. Why'd you recommend IFB(D) in particular? I'm thinking to make some tweaks to my current counter attack 4-2-3-1 to create a spare tactic to control the game a little more because I lost some friendlies to teams that sat back and got luckier than me I don't think it's going to happen too often in the Prem though but it's good to have.
  5. Atletico came looking for a keeper. Urbig is not pushing for the transfer though as I refused the first offer. I can't find a guy with similar to his abilities and so young for a keeper. Nubel comes fairly close but he's 32 and I'd have to pay for him somewhere around 15-20M. I'm thinking to keep Urbig. I have 97M budget so I don't need money anyways. 54M for a keeper though. Speaking of my 97M budget I honestly don't know how to spend it. Players that require such funds don't want to sign with us because of the reputation and lack of stability in Premier League yet. Players I could buy would be a negligible upgrade or none at all. I bought him and him for a total of 8M - that's for backup mostly. I bought him as my main segundo volante, paid 25M. I'm looking for a backup right full back for Faye. I'm looking for someone to develop and I found him. That would leave me with pacey fullbacks that can't cross. Do I switch to wing backs to provide forward movement on wings or stick to FB(Su) to defend better?
  6. I read somewhere on the forums around here that it's possible by playing a guy in "big games" and they have to perform well. I believe it was confirmed by someone from the SI team. My problem and worry is that it's not possible to tell how long it's going to take and a team like ours can't afford to wait for a guy to start performing. On the second note though I believe he's so good that even if he underperforms from time to time he's still going to bang goals and get assists. Furthermore it's hard to say what exactly big games are. Could be relegation battles, rivalry games etc... any or all of these. I'm gonna sign him and hope for the best.
  7. I am about to finish this season in top half of the table. We've easily overachieved. Would you tweak with the tactic at all or stick to it and upgrade players? I'll be looking for a new SV(Su) because Yepes is not physical enough and can't finish. Vite is my main AP(Su). One thing is that I'm not sure I want to keep using AP because it doesn't seem to make a difference. He only got 4 goals and 3 assists in 29 appearances. Or stick to AP but upgrade the guy. Casadei is his replacement. Better stats- wise and the game says he's consistent but he's been anything BUT consistent as AP. Last signing would be an AF. I signed Alarcón as a backup winger but he grew to be a first team player and doesn't seem bad for an AF. Also Diallo but his composure and finishing smell like clear cut chances sent wide. They're both decent replacements but I believe I'm going to have more than 50M to spend so I might as well go for a world class striker. What are your thoughts? update: - finished 8th, just a spot below Europa's League - Jovanovic was 3rd top league's scorer. I'm thinking to buy him from Liverpool as he should be avaliable for less than 30M. - Amad Diallo scored the "goal of the season" - board set our transfer budget to a whooping 85M ! let's go shopping update #2 "transfer window": Kroupi has perfect stats for an AF but he doesn't enjoy big games. It usually is an immediate turn off for me but it's so hard to find a forward. Not to mention he would be my best AP too. Do I go for him?
  8. I basically play the 4-2-3-1 you helped me form. We're having great success with 25 points in 12 games, just 3 loses I believe, some lucky draws and some lucky wins like the one with Chelsea at the beginning :P morale's good. everything's coming together. Should be smooth sailing from now on. Tactical familiarity is nearing the maximum. My plan is to replace my current players with better ones and some wonderkids along the way and of course to stay in Premier League. I expect to be able to do it in a couple of seasons. You're the real MVP. Thank you so so much. SV(s) is my new favourite role thanks to you.
  9. Lovely. How do you feel about this 4-4-2? I mean the instructions. I was getting pretty dominated by Liverpool until I switched to 4-4-2 and went all gegenpress. We still lost but managed to create some decent highlights. I kept the instructions since. I sometimes use it on away games and it works surprisingly well.
  10. I couldn't for the life of me find an AF. I decided to loan Jovanovic from Liverpool. Rodriguez who was in the team already doesn't seem to be physical enough for a lone forward in 4-2-3-1. Another guy I already had was Gelhardt but he can't finish. Will keep him for wing rotation. I got Mbamba for free, he's going to help with rotation as he's capable of playing as SV and BWM. Diallo came in for 2M. Bargain for a quick winger who can play both wings. Strandos was too good to pass. I couldn't help myself for 6M. He's going to be my backup CB and I might familiarise him with being right FB. Same story for Swerts. I just couldn't say no. 13M though. He's naturally a CB but I retrained him into FB because he's not tall enough and can't jump. Moritz Jentz is about to join us for 20M. Either him or van den Berg but he costs about 25M and wants 390k/month (as opposed to Jentz's 310). I don't think I need both. Dekker will be moved to a left FB role replacing Alese. Alese is quick but we don't play attacking wingbacks so an overall more dependant defender in the form of Dekker should do better. On the other hand Alese is quicker and can dribble so could sometimes surprise someone. Jentz and Gaspar are going to be my first choice CBs. I was in the middle of exploring our options for señor Gutiérrez and Lanus came in with an interesting loan offer. I honestly doubt they're going to have that amount of money (not to mention to pay his wages) but I don't think it's going to be a bad loan for him. He wasn't getting a lot of playtime in my current roster anyway. edit: he rejected it uh oh lets try again... After selling some of the deadwood and getting players I just mentioned I'm left with about 23M left. I think I'm going to keep it in case I need it in December.
  11. Is that how you'd do 4-4-2? Do I add "focus down the left and right" or it doesn't matter that much? https://imgur.com/a/ubRWNgv I'm still looking for an AF. Might need to loan someone, we'll see. I'm going to force my players in pre season to adapt to new roles "just in case". I agree it's always good to have some flexibility even though I think 4-2-3-1 is going to be my main tactic. In both tactics do I work the ball in the box? I think it slows down the counter attacks but on the other hand my striker is most likely the only guy in our team who can actually place a shot so perhaps it's for the better to look for him?
  12. Do you mind taking a look at 2 wonderkids I found that I believe are first team ready? https://imgur.com/a/A73fdkW I'm not sure about 4-4-2... that would take a lot of retraining because none of my players can play ML nor MR. How do we like 4-2-3-1 with 2 DMs? https://imgur.com/a/swYcJJw
  13. Thank you for taking time to analyze. Are you suggesting to go with 2 DMs? SV(s) and? FBs both sides? https://imgur.com/a/2pzMNim -- do we like him chief? What roles do you recommend? I'd like to keep Gutierrez somehow. Do you recommend to stick to 4-2-3-1 and replace my forwards and both the wingers with speed demons? Or go 4-3-3 and keep Gutierrez as DLF(Su) and both wingers as pacey IF(at)?
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