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Everything posted by Unicorn_Princess

  1. yeahhhhh after I published it I loaded it up and noticed that the latest game update nuked my database. SI removed hundreds of low league japanese teams that my database relied on
  2. It's ready! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3082527446
  3. I believe I've fixed it - I copied one of the tournaments that were working and used that as a base to rebuild the problematic tournament and it's working great
  4. Hi all, I'm running into a very odd problem in my Japan database. I'm working on recreating the All-Japan High School tournament and I've got tournaments for every prefecture and they're all working fine qualifying the appropriate teams for the national competition - but one prefecture's tournament (Saitama) just isn't getting scheduled despite appearing to be identical to the other qualifying tournaments. I can't find out what the problem is. In an earlier build, all the tournaments were working fine but I got the qualification part wrong, so I went through and fixed that and then Saitama's tournament just stopped scheduling. The Test tool hasn't been much help except for confirming that it's not working (It always only results in the last year having a tournament that only has a hidden stage that seems to only pull the teams into the tournament and then nothing else) Any and all help would be greatly appreciated - The problematic tournament is "HS Tournament Qualifiers - Saitama" EDIT: Issue has been resolved - so I've removed the save file
  5. (I'm using advanced rules) bugfixing question: I've got a database working fine where the top three leagues all have basically the same exact format of a league with split. They all have the same dates for start end and the date of the split, but for some reason, my top division isn't scheduling games in the first month following the league split (I've used test competitions to confirm that the split is being processed when I expect it). This problem only occurs in the first season for whatever reason, and all the games do get played, it's just the next month is basically 3 games a week. I can't find any conflicts with other competitions' scheduling but I might not know how to do that effectively. Does anyone have any tips on figuring this out?
  6. No it was not - built it from scratch on the fm24 editor How did I make it? a lot of trial and error and slowly learning the editor. I'm hoping to get my database in presentable condition and when it's ready I'll share it
  7. This matter can be considered solved I think - I discovered the problem went away if I removed a portion of the database (my regionalized university divisions) so I rebuilt it differently and there's no real issues anymore!
  8. Hi Everyone, I'm currently working on a fictional database in Japan and I'm running into an error that I can't find a way around and I don't know how to fix it because the editor is not being very helpful with its error code. I'm attaching an image of the error code, as well as a copy of my database. Can anyone help me out with what's wrong? how can I fix it? I did a proof of concept build earlier that verified and loaded into the game perfectly, so I know there's nothing wrong with Japan specifically in the editor (apart from the fact that Japan is still considered an "Other" nation.) Thanks - if there's any extra information y'all could use lemme know. JapanV0.0.2.fmf
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