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6 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. Please can we have some more guidance on player/squad mindset? I, and many others, are a bit frustrated when a mindset change occurs without, or appears to be without, any justification. The changes don’t appear to correlate to the dominant mindset of the squad and seem to happen completely at random. There are also players with high work rates which aren’t hard workers and there are players with high leadership who aren’t leaders etc. Very frustrating when trying to balance the squad as no one seems to be able to work out why players change mindsets and the concept as a whole doesn’t seem to be straight forward. Cheers and appreciate any response
  2. Anyone else having trouble getting their squad to the stage where it’s a ‘harmonious balance’ or above? Mines currently sat at unbalanced having been balanced all of the last season in my save. I know where the issue likely is in my squad but it’s so difficult to know the optimum size of the groups compared to squad size and the description doesn’t offer much insight. Player buy-in is extremely high with over 50% of the squad devoted and only 1 player lower than enthusiastic. Really appreciate any info.
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