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Issue Comments posted by JJG12

  1. UPDATE: I run a 3 rolling save and tried loading them, main save in the first post is currently on 12th Oct and I signed the U21 manager on the 10th.

    v02 -  (3rd Oct) - does not let me set tactic just like main save

    v03 - (26 Sept) - Prompts me with blank tactic page, opportunity to load a tactic and appears to be working. I now have a formation on the U21 tactics page.

    I can't remember anything notable happening between these dates so i'm not sure what, if anything might have triggered it.

    I've added v02 and v03 to the cloud with the names "Josh Gallagher - South Shields (v02)" and "Josh Gallagher - South Shields (v03)"

  2. Citing IRL injury stats is a pure cop out of the question at hand. Simulation or not, enduring frequent same position and excessive major injuries that are almost comically timed is just not fun and I question why it's even a possibility to this extent? 

    I've just finished a string of matches where I had my first GK out for 5 weeks with a broken hand and just as he returned to partial training, my back up keeper was taken out for 2-3 months with a dislocated shoulder after being struck by the ball in a match. I'd already brought up my youth keeper to fill the gap but in the match it happened, it was 80+ minutes in and I'd already used my 3 subs so had to scrape through with an outfield player in the net.

    That match was the 7th Dec, I managed to grab another GK so only had 1 match with the youth GK and no backup but I was lucky to have the wage budget to sign another straight away. Except then my first pick ST (5-8 weeks) and backup shadow striker (3 days) I subbed on to replace were injured in the same match on the 1st of Jan. Since then there have been no matches and I've done nothing but change all training intensity to half unless 100% condition and advanced the game time to the 9th. I picked up 6 injuries in this time, first pick winger (hip - 3-4 months) and first pick shadow striker (hamstring 3 weeks) most notably. Sure the minors and slights are 6 days tops but guess who has 3 matches coming up in the next 7 days? The knock-on effect of 12 injuries in a month and the awful micromanagement needed to deal with it (especially with only 3 subs available in Vanarama) just aren't fun.

    The Eastleigh match was also the 2nd match this season where the replacement sub was also injured, and the 3rd match with 2 injuries. The first 2 of these double injury matches had both a major and moderate injury, where the 3rd had only  a major and slight.

    Stating an 80% injury rate compared to real leagues and saying there isn't an issue just shuts out any discussion on how those figures are actually reached. I don't mind managing a run of bad injuries but turn the 'instant meat grinder' switch down a bit boys, jesus christ.


    EDIT: First match of the 7 day triple header continuing from above and my 2nd choice SS is out for 4-5 weeks, lol.


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