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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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    UC Davis
  1. turned out this was the issue! changed the name of the files in my own editor to make sure it was the first database to load and everything is sorted. appreciate all your hard work on creating this and cant wait to get stuck in!
  2. ended up showing some of the comp logos but all of the club logos still wrong. not sure what else it could be
  3. both the competition logos and club logos are wrong for me. most of the comp logos just arent appearing for me and all of the ncaa team logos are completely mixed up. im using the fmg standard logos as my regular logo pack so any chance thats affecting it?
  4. been excited for this, just set it up though and all the college logos are wrong? not sure if its an issue where ive not put them in my graphics folder properly or an editor issue?
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