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Everything posted by DoSimpleBetter

  1. Hey folks, Hoping someone with a deep understanding of the kit selection logic can help me understand why custom third kits are not selected for use in game. I'm using Chester, starting in the Vanarama North, now in League 2. Chester do not have a third kit by default. I needed to create a third kit from scratch using the in-game editor. My custom home and away kits work fine, but the third kit is never selected for use in away games. My assumption is this either relates to the 'alternative kit number' setting in the in-game editor, or (most likely) the 'kit selection' screen in the standalone editor. Because Chester doesn't start the game with a third kit, do I need to manually create one and modify the kit selection settings before I start a new save? If so, how does this work when moving through the leagues? I imagine I could adjust the setting so the third kit is the default selection against 3-5 teams - how well this be handled as the team is promoted? Is there anyway to fix this for an existing save? Manchester United for reference, who do start the game with a third kit:
  2. (Chester) My captain George Glendon is unhappy with his playing time. A 16-year-old youth player (not in the senior squad) has come to me to give me the heads up. Later in the season, multiple other youth players have come to me with similar interactions.
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