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Everything posted by RSZC

  1. Well, I didn't take pictures of the tactic, but interestingly enough it was primarily a result of my DMs. I had a DLP(s) on the left and a BWM(d) on the right, and the AMC tended to sit on the right hand side. I tried swapping the DLP and BWM roles, and this caused the AMC to sit to the left much more, as I had hoped. That said, the shift was not as dramatic as I wanted. The AMC has a tendency to drift onto whatever side of the field the ball is on, and the ball still tended to be on the right-hand side quite a bit...I think because of an IW who tended to make himself available for the ball much more often than my IF(a). So the ball would frequently be played CD -> RB -> RW [IW(s)], and then the AMC would have drifted over to support the RW, defeating my goal of using the AMC to play the ball over to the left wing. So! I did end up moving the AMC to an AMC(L) - I'm onboard the asymmetry bandwagon, and it's working pretty much exactly as I hoped. Tough luck for my right winger though - his job just got a whole lot harder now that he's got very little support...sorry bud! It's for the good of the team
  2. Will do later today/tonight when I get the chance . I hadn't considered that it was the DMs pushing the player out wide - I'm running a DLP and BWM(D) though right now, so I wouldn't expect them to have a huge impact on the AMC positioning. I actually do think it's footedness, I'm just wondering...*whose* footedness? Both my striker and AMC are both right-footed. My best guesses here are the following: - the striker is right-footed and wants to sit on the left hand side to cut in towards goal on his strong side. Maybe the striker basically gets first choice of where he wants to sit (on the left), and then the AMC is basically shoved out to the right in order to create space? - the AMC is right-footed. Maybe therefore the AMC wants to play on the right-hand side, because it's more natural when coming deep to get the ball to turn with your left shoulder facing the goal and play to the outside? Maybe it's both...
  3. Hey all, can anyone help? Struggling here :D I'm hoping to switch the default left-to-right positioning of my striker and AMC in a 4-2-3-1. It seems that by default my striker likes to sit forward and to the left, and the AMC likes to sit behind-and-to-the-right of the striker. This isn't always the case obviously - if the ball is already on the left side of the pitch the AMC will often go in that direction to help out. This seems to be the default position of these two players though - you can see it when my defenders or GK have the ball. Does anybody know what's determining this positioning? Is this due to the right/left footedness of the striker? The AMC? Both? "Focus play through the left" seems to have no impact on this positioning. My high level goal was to encourage my AMC to help out on the left hand side of the pitch, to help get the ball to an IF sitting on the left wing who is struggling to get touches. Unfortunately, the AMC instead wants to sit on the right, leaving my IF a bit alone and sad.
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