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15 "You're a bum, Rock"


  • Biography
    New FM player! Started my journey in fm23 despite playing mobile since fm17!
    Happy to do research for any database projects.

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    Worthing UTD (level 10!)

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  1. It'll be on 1st page for the downlaod but no doubt he'll update us on this page too.
  2. If it's not I might cry 🤣 we've been waiting so long! No disrespect tho huge W to them making it just wanna get into the save you know!!!
  3. i have the same processor as "laptop 2" in my Acer currently it is awful, i have 8gb RAM and the in game computer performance rates at half a star-1 star based on performance modes. Avoid this, im trying to get an upgrade for this laptop actually!
  4. @lionel messi a question for my save really, will the Sussex senior challenge cup be in the database? Will be cool if so!
  5. Are you still planning to do a beta version or will it just be a full release now?
  6. They just rolled out an update for PC/Mac and console so hoping that's some use to you Lionel 🙂
  7. Glad you found what you were looking for. Do you need help with anything else?
  8. No worries! if theres anything that needs researching i am happy to help!
  9. I have a free day today if you want me to research this point: (Competion League & Cup history to be added in.) Just give me a list of competitions and i am happy to help, anything to help this go along nicely.
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