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1 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"
  1. That was it! Apparently you do need to uncheck "Use Standard Position Playoff" checkbox and then setup "Position Playoffs" below in League Settings. After more tests it did work as expected - a separate cup stage was created automatically for champion title position playoff. Thanks a lot for the help!
  2. I tried testing with this setting as well - but cannot really get any standard playoffs to work at all. No new matches are created at the end of the league phase.. Is there perhaps some existing league that has similar rules and you saw championship title playoffs working there? Would check how the setup looks like there.
  3. I am modelling a league where after the league ends if you have multiple top teams with the same points amount (ignoring other sorting rules) - they would need to play a cup style playoffs. How would you go about modelling this in editor with Advanced Rules? Under league settings there is "Position playoffs" section which I thought would do exactly what I want to - but cannot really get it to work. At the very end of the league stage whoever is on top is crowned as champions (even if someone has same points below him). I also have "Use standard playoffs" checkbox selected. If the "Position playoffs" cannot be used for this - can this be modelled with hidden cup stages?
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