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94 "There's no crying in baseball"

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  1. Be interesting reading on here if Monday rolls round and they delay the announcements again.
  2. Worrying that they have pushed the announcement of the actual game even being released back to late September. It might not even get released this year - who knows.
  3. Yeah they released quite a few on Playstation 2 and Xbox if I remember correctly. Also a few iterations of Premier manager knocking about at the same time.
  4. It's a shame the likes of LMA Manager have fallen by the wayside as it has allowed SI to become in my opinion very complacent. In regards to "Building the game from the ground up" it sounds more like they are porting a lot of the original material over to Unity reading between the lines. Not being a game developer though I cannot really offer a definite answer on that as I have no idea what kind of task that would be. But like others have said we are not talking about 12 months of rushed work - we have been told they have been working on this for years.
  5. The fact that half the "FM25 update" is taken up by the esports world cup - which from what I can see was just a massive back slapping exercise of all the usual faces in the content creator scene again is quite literally laughable. I presume the same faces will be rolled out again from Si Towers telling us how great the new game is again in the coming weeks and months. As was mentioned earlier in the thread Nick Madden leaving abruptly with absolutely no fanfare or thanks (That I have seen) from Si or Miles was very worrying.
  6. The "We didn't have time to implement International management" is a bit rich when they have left it untouched for years, despite fans calling for improvements year upon year.
  7. Putting the removal of yet more modes and features aside. I am absolutely gobsmacked we have still not seen a single in game screenshot or a look at the new graphics in this update.
  8. Do the AI managers also use shouts during the course of a match? If not surely it is an unfair advantage to the player. (if they actually had any affect which is debatable)
  9. I notice how all the larger "content creators" who usually get invited to Si HQ are all absolutely loving the screenshots shown so far and wont hear a bad word about them
  10. Surely if a team with very low Mental and/or Physical attributes would get ripped apart trying to play in a non stop pressing system. This Leaving big gaps all over the pitch for the opposition to exploit. However in the current FM Match engine this is simply not the case. That for me is where the frustration probably arises from for some players.
  11. Just stumbled upon this topic. I usually use my own tactics and have been playing since Championship Manager on the Amiga. I decided to try this with Blackpool - I set up a 4-2-3-1 Gegenpress and adjusted some of the roles to suit the strongest 11. I am halfway through the season and 20 games unbeaten in the league and 10 points clear. Easily beat Sheffield United in the league cup and took Aston Villa to Penalties. Also through to the later rounds in the League trophy. I have only signed one player on a free transfer. Seems pretty overpowered to me to be honest.
  12. This needs addressing surely - according to Loluju it has been in the game for years.
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