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Everything posted by Azzo

  1. Sorry for the spam but i just wanted to share the new stadium we apparently starting building moments after we secured out spot in the Vanorama south/north. The average attendance this last season was 266 so i guess the new stadium will feel rather empty once its finished.
  2. We managed to draw in the final game of the season and is once again champions of the league. The had player sent of in the third minute but even with that the match was far to close for comfort. No cup wins this year.
  3. One game left of the season and its against the second placed team. They were ahead of me going in the second to last match but they managed to lose while we pulled of a draw. We were predicted to finish dead last with a wage budget at less then one tenth of the richest team. If we manage to go up i think the might be even more against us. Wish me luck.
  4. Another promotion as champions. The cups were a disappointment and cash might be a problem going forward as i try to get the important players on part-time contracts. Average attendance up to 300.
  5. Season two finished with three trophies! Biggest issue by far is the inability to sign actual contracts, i lost multiple players in the starting eleven. Does anyone know when i can start giving the players a weekly salary? Average attendance 243.
  6. First season done, promoted as champions without losing a game in the league. Levi Walsh doubtlessly the best player of the season. Average attendance 231
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