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Everything posted by Cretin

  1. Thank you Wolf_pd, I was able to get the rules to validate after aligning my competition start and end dates with the Squad Selection Deadline dates and Squad Selection Date Ranges i had designed.
  2. Hey all, If anyone is able to help I'd appreciate it. I can provide files if needed, but what could be causing this error? I'm creating a custom/fantasy DB for the Canadian Football Pyramid. and am getting this error when trying to validate the advanced rules. Thank you.
  3. So I've created my own custom/fantasy Canada football pyramid. Working on getting the Nation rules and the Canadian Premier League squared away first before adding more divisions to the DB. Currently I'm getting this error when trying to verify the nation/league rules. I'm sure it's something simple I've over looked or something I've added that has complicated the verification process. This is as far as I've been able to trace it. I've attached a copy of my .fmf file if anyone assisting needs to take a deeper dive/look into my Adv Rules settings. Any assistance or ideas would be great. Thank you. Oh Canada Pyramid AR_v3_CPL.fmf
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