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7 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. Still no updates on this? In these last 5 months I started careers with Lyon and N.E.C. Both scouting worked fine. I now tried another save with Juventus for the 5th time. I have 11 different scouts to different regions of which they have knowledge. The only demands I added to the focuses are age between 15 and 27, 1 gold star current level and 1 gold star potential level. I have had 0 recommendations in the first 7 months of the career.
  2. I can't believe that I have to say this again, but not finding players is not the problem. The scouts do find players, you can see them at the scouting tab on 'In Progress'. They find players with a good or perfect rating in that tab. But when the scouts are done scouting, the players don't move to the 'Recommended' tab, but just disappear. Keep giving us "tips" on how to improve our focuses is not the solution.
  3. Not fixed for me as well. Tried a new save for a couple of hours today. But players are still disappearing from the 'In progress' tab without giving any notification of a scouting report.
  4. I have a question for the fellow players in here: How do you even play the game with this broken? I haven't played the game for about 2 months now and am checking this thread daily, assuming it would be solved within a couple of days. But since it has been so long, I really want to play the game again. Do you all just go to the search option and manually click players to be scouted, and then come back after a while?
  5. Indeed. I'm lucky to still have a nice save from the release that does actually work. But when I'm done with that one, I guess I'll just go back to FM23.
  6. I started a new save today with quite some really wide focuses. Most of the European regions with scouts that have the knowledge of that region. 2 stars current level, 2 starts potential minimum. 15 to 28 years. In the first 1,5 month of the save I got 1 recommendation. So the scouts do seem to find players now, but just a handful of them. So, my earlier mentioned problem seems to be fixed. Players do move from in progress to recommendations now. Only the players that are found by scouts are really few.
  7. This was originally the reason behind this thread. The other people saying their scouts not finding any players probably didn't check the scouting reports tab and didn't see the reports not going from in progress to recommendations. In cases where scouts are not finding any players in the in progress tab either, of course the demands are too narrow. We wouldn't need a thread for that. I uploaded one of my test saves 'Thijs Klem - DortmundTest.fm' on January 9th for this problem. I've tried a couple of different teams in different countries, but it all gives the same problem. My older save from the release of FM24 works fine. So, it seems to be something that came with a later update.
  8. These aren't the problems nor solutions. The scouts actually find players, and rate some of them with an S, A or B rating as well. But when they're done scouting, the finalized scouting report just doesn't appear. Those which have an okay rating are actually moved to the near matches tab. But there doesn't appear anything in the recommendations tab.
  9. Same problem here with new saves. Tried some different countries and tested simulating the first month. The players do get scouted at "In progress", and some of them do end up in the "Near matches" tab, but when they should move to the "Recommendations" tab, they disappear. I do get scouting reports from agents recommending their players or from my director of football when a player is placed on the transfer list, but nothing from the scouts. Uploaded my file 'Thijs Klem - DortmundTest.fm'
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