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Posts posted by Benfisher

  1. 51 minutes ago, kevhamster said:

    Yes, it will do the job for FM24.

    For FM25, it's a lot harder to say as we don't yet know what the system requirements will be.  It's currently safer to assume a dedicated graphics card will be needed for 3D from FM25 onwards until we're told otherwise, but that will come with a fair amount of additional cost.   SI have confirmed FM25 will retain the 2D view though, so the game should definitely remain playable regardless.

    Thanks for the help.

    Are there any laptops similar to this price range or slightly above which have a dedicated graphics card?


    If the laptop runs fm24 well then I would also be willing to stay on that. Just want to make sure the laptop supports a decent database and a save that would go in for several years 



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