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Everything posted by plinioveloso

  1. It's because I didn't want to pay high interest, paying off the debt would save me a lot of money
  2. when the club has a very large debt, whether due to a bank loan or debt to the state. How do we get the board to pay off these debts before the deadline? Here in my save I have two debts that will only be paid off in 20 years and I have the money to pay off both.
  3. Which instructions prevail in the game? general instructions or individual ones? When I set the team to exchange short passes and enter the player's settings, he can still make direct passes. Finally, which one prevails?
  4. Do you use individual player tight marking instruction? I'm trying to use it on the front players and midfielders to see if the opposing team's passing the ball becomes more difficult. What do you think about this player instruction?
  5. but what I see in the pressure of these teams is that in addition to the players putting pressure on the ball carrier, around him the entire team goes up in marking and doesn't give any passing options, and I can't do that at all, there must be some kind of configuration for this, or perhaps focus on team training for this.
  6. Hello everyone, I've tried everything I can to put pressure on the opposing teams' ball, but from what I can see there must be some trick that I still don't know how to do. When we play against Liverpool or Manchester City they put such absurd pressure on the ball that we can't even breathe. To be able to do this, what instructions should we focus on? I've already tried to put individual marking instructions on players, I've tried to put opposition instructions. but it never looks the same as the way the machine presses it.
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