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Posts posted by evolsurt

  1. 21 hours ago, snowofman said:

    if you mean the screen that shows the pitch/tactic. then it's the

    match/tactics overview side panel.xml

    if it's another screen, please provide a screenshot for easier help

    There's nothing in there that leaps out at me snowofman so here's a screen shot. When I click on a player to see what my substitution options are I get a list of available subs plus the assman's recommendation - this is the panel I'm trying to identify.


  2. I'm not a fan of the icons representing overall condition and match fitness and have managed to tweak some panels and widgets to get the old percentages back using PRCF and the condition/sharpness pie chart (thanks to FM23 skins by Tangfu and Narrigon) however, I can't seem to identify the panel that pops up when you go to the tactics screen during a match to select an appropriate substitute (the one that usually shows the AssMan's recommendation) - does anyone know which file or panel controls this please?

  3. I'm not a fan of the icons representing overall condition and match fitness and have managed to tweak some panels and widgets to get the old percentages back using PRCF and the condition/sharpness pie chart (thanks to skins by Tangfu and Narrigon) however, I can't seem to identify the panel that pops up when you go to the tactics screen during a match to select an appropriate substitute (the one that usually shows the AssMan's recommendation) - does anyone know which file or panel controls this please?

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