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Posts posted by bishnoi12w

  1. TrainerRoad is nice for workout suggestions but I'd say watch some Dylan Johnson videos for a high level understanding of training, read Joe Friel's Cyclist's Training Bible for some deeper understanding, listen to Empirical Cycling Podcasts for even deeper more specific understanding... the first one, Why You're Training Too Hard for Criteriums, is probably the best for a high level understanding.

    I highly recommend against doing a high volume plan on TR - that'll just have you do a stupid amount of sweetspot and if you're anything like me will burn you out over the offseason. Setting up a mid volume plan will give you a smattering of sweetspot, threshold, and VO2 workouts which I use to pick and choose from based on what seems like a good idea from day to day and week to week. Following this more closely after base seems wise, but during base you may be lifting or doing other stuff or just wanting a break so, to my mind, more editing of the plan is more appropriate.9apps

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