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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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    AFC Crewe
  1. Oh yeah he must have holidayed it. But the thing is AFC Crewe didn't really specify any rules so whether they allow that or not is up to them
  2. Second season down. Lost a few this time but quite happy with how the season went, although most of the squad have now left ahead of level 10
  3. I love the early years of this type of save, but this is the first time I have done it while winning every game!
  4. People are probably doing a mixture of things. Some will holiday, some will instant result, and some will play each and every game
  5. AFC Crewe tweeted earlier to say that we can't simulate the games (which is a shame as I was hoping to holiday large parts of the save) So here I am, joining the party to play the challenge properly!
  6. Fabulous thank you. So would you recommend keeping track of progress here and then contacting AFC Crewe themselves when the challenge is complete?
  7. I assume most of us are here because of the post that AFC Crewe made earlier, but are there any specific ground rules for this or is it essentially a free-for-all?
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