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Everything posted by KaizenFM

  1. Still bugged. I am real madrid and have an objective for best youth facilities in the world. I have been with the club for 4 seasons, am the most reputable team in the world, won everything and have had no option to upgrade this entire time. It doesn't have the option and I just continue to fail the objective each season.
  2. Thanks for the response. My point is that they often shut down discussions following what you say you do. I will lock in a role and offer much more via wage. Even with "medium" level interest, a say 20% pay increase may still mean they walk away instantly. Having no indication and having to wait weeks to then reopen negotiations seems flawed to me and is not how real life negotiations work at all. I don't get offended with my boss and slam the door and walk out immediately, I come back with a rebuttal offer. At the very least, if I could lock in the target role and have them suggest their wage to give some sort of indication to start discussions.
  3. Currently I know that you can improve commercial income with player purchases from certain countries; China, Korea, USA etc. I also see the pre-season messages re the most popular shirts, but I want more insight into this. I receive a notification of the expected commercial uptake for signing a player, but little else. I am playing with Real Madrid and my commercial income dropped by 40m in one year. I should be able to see how much commercial income a player is responsible for via a coach report or similar. I have no way of knowing why my commercial income dropped so significantly in one year other than guessing. The team only improved, winning the league and getting further in the Champions league, so I can only assume it was either a bug or as a result of a significant player sale. Currently the financial projections are also lacking. I am of the understanding that they do not include competition winnings. It would be better if we could overlay an assumption such as winning the league so we can create our own worst case/best case scenarios. I have previously tried to play the game based on the financial projections but their lack of reliability make this so inconsistent that it is not viable. Having discussions with the board over a long term strategy would be great; i.e. becoming a selling club, setting max transfer fees, signing players only under certain ages. I know these are available via the club vision, but prompting discussions ourselves would add another layer of immersion that would make the game more enjoyable for some who enjoy taking on challenges.
  4. I came to suggest something similar with the possibility to influence long term club vision. For example, if I build a team into a success, it would be great to set parameters on "ideal" characteristics. For example, think Stoke targeting tall and strong players, or Barca and Ajax targeting technical ability.
  5. I would like to request the option to discuss a staff member's wage depends for an alternative non preferred role. Currently I do not have any idea what a staff member would want financially for an alternative role. For example, they may be the perfect Head of Youth Development, but have limited interest in the role. I want to be able to suggest this role and them give me a rough idea of wages before entering discussions. Currently, you have to offer absurd money with no idea if they will accept or simply terminate negotiations instantly. This isn't realistic - at the very least, they should come back and say "I have no interest at all in that role, but here's what I want for X role" or "I would need X as I have a minimal interest in this type of work". Them stopping the conversation makes staff negotiations very painful. This could also assist with changing existing staff roles. I often want to keep existing staff members but find them becoming obsolete as my club grows. I would like to be able to open a discussion re changing their roles without facing the same issue discussed.
  6. +1 on this. You should be able to create a job shortlist which comes up as an urgent inbox item that requires forced acknowledgement. This would be great for journeyman saves versus currently keeping constant eyes on the available jobs list (which admittedly can be limited to certain leagues, but this can still mean a large list depending on leagues loaded etc). Currently I ensure I "follow" the preferred next job clubs, but all this will do is create media articles in your feed, which can still be missed. I too have missed huge jobs because I haven't seen an article or have missed the job pop up in my available jobs list on my home screen.
  7. Also to add - the only way I have managed to navigate the bug is to accept I will lose players due to the values; I put in 50% sell on clauses knowing the values will almost always be much higher for the opposing team, so that I can cash in when available to reduce the impact. I am lucky in my save that I am moving to big clubs with good finances. If I was doing a one club save with a smaller team I would not continue with FM24 and would move back to a previous version of the game.
  8. It is a pentagon challenge that has seen me go all over the world. I did not experience the player value issues in a significant way until around 2032 or so. I was in Argentina with Boca at this time. I have since been to Mexico (Pumas and Tigres), then Tottenham and now Real Madrid. My Tottenham team values were poor. Since leaving players who were worth approx 50-70m are now all worth 150m+. I left to join Real Madrid as I did not see a way to control Tottenhams debt; however, since leaving their player values have spiked significantly despite average player performance. My assumption is that there is a league weighting to it, but also that the bug specifically impacts real players more than AI. My Real Madrid club rep is 5 star, we finished runners up in the CL, we have consistently dominated the league. I understand that stars are relative; however, I have high judging CA staff and what I believe are some of the games current best players. I have 6 5 star players, 8 4.5 star players and 5 4 star players. My goalkeeper has been the worlds best keeper for two years and is only valued at 74-94m. My highest valued players are three players who signed in the last window; with their transfer values of 109m (appears to be some kind of cap as I have 4 players with max values of 109m) slowly reducing over time despite high average ratings. My highest first team average rating is 8.07 after 15 games. I am in December 2038. World player values are as high as 300m, with my highest value player only the 131st highest value in the game. I knew of the bug as a streamer mentioned it when I was in 2029 in game. It is disappointing that SI has not acknowledged the bug as I cannot imagine that they have team members who have not played this far into their saves.
  9. Also want to add that my save is on the standard database. I did not experience any issues before around 2030-2032 from memory.
  10. Also for a clear example of the player value issue, refer to Marseille's Indio. He played for my club (Madrid) on a higher wage and instantly after joining Marseille, his value shot up to approx 140m, despite being valued at around 40m with us. I don't understand how that makes sense, when we are a higher rep club in a higher rep league. His value has since grown despite average performances. Perhaps this could be explained to me as this is the best example I can find that shows how chaotic the values are and how they bias other clubs vs my own.
  11. After playing around a bit, I am able to get the international staff position offered. It has produced the message to say a role has been offered as an inbox item, but this was previously also not working but has started working now. I will continue to try and terminate contracts and will report back if I can manage to get this to work.
  12. Since the latest update, I am unable to terminate staff contracts. I have several staff contracts that are on month to month contracts now. I have just gone through and organised staff contracts for a heap of new scouts, DOF, etc. However, I am unable to terminate the existing staff contracts to allow me to bring these new staff in. This did not happen to me on this save prior to the last update, so may be coincidental or related. I also am unable to offer any international staff positions. When I offer someone a position via the "Offer spain job" button via contract, it does nothing. Also, I believe this edition of FM has bugged/poor coding of player values. It was initially told to me that this was due to me managing in smaller nations and that the game is coded to prevent values blowing up for nations such as Argentina. I am now managing Real Madrid, yet players for my team barely rise in value, despite winning major awards, such as FIFA mens player. Comparing to other teams, who have player values in the mid 100 millions, despite in no way performing in a comparable manner. It would be great to be able to understand why players for other teams in the save have such high values compared to some of my players; I understand there are a myriad of factors, but I am still struggling to understand why some of my player values remain so much lower than the rest of the market when I do a comparability analysis via scouting. The fluctuations in values do not make sense to me and do not seem consistent.
  13. Has a patch for this been released? I am having the same issue and it's having a major impact on my pentagon challenge. Joe Hirst - Pentagon Challenge.fm
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