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2 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. AI GAME MANAGMENT. Something that has been lacking and needs fixing in the future to make the game harder and more of a challenge. First thing is the AI teams resting their best players in the biggest games, I'm top of the league and Man City are 2nd. They rest Haaland and Foden not even on the bench. they're fully fit, they haven't played for 5 days and the game after me is a week later. Champions League final against Liverpool, Salah, Nunez VVD benched, they all have great form they're fully fit, Win the game 4-0. I notice this against so many of the bigger teams, its something i have noticed in FM for the last 6/7/8 years. It is also why i think it is easy to win stuff, especially in the European competitions. Teams have half fully fit squads by half time their fitness is orange it's like the headline says the AI game management is so poor, it seems players are never rested from training or anything. I've been saying it for years CL,EL are easy to win if you manage your team right, fitness wise. They really need to work on the ai, in transfers, knowing when to play and rest their best players.
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