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2 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

Currently Managing

  • Currently Managing
  1. Recently discovered this scenario. I noticed some Con attributes for a player from an inbox development message. For Chris Rigg (below) the con was something like "Finishing". I think it said something more explicit like lacks or needs, but can't remember sorry. I right clicked the players name, went to Training > Additional Focus > Finishing and immediately that Con disappeared leaving only Injury Prone. Since I discovered this, every time I get a development report I look to find an additional focus that will remove the Con. As soon as you select the appropriate additional focus the corresponding Con will go away. I took this screenshot after I had selected shooting. Wish I did a before and after shot, but I think you're smart enough to get the idea. After all, you play FM24. Not sure if this is common knowledge, but thought I'd share. It's new to me. Cheers
  2. I just started playing FM 2 months ago, but I'm a lifelong footballer in both playing and coaching. I've made some very rookie mistakes in FM24 including caving to this guy to keep him at the club. I knew we were heading out of Sky Bet One after my first year at Blackpool. We eventually won the league. But I ended up giving him a ridiculous contract of $1.1M p/a with loyalty $ too. ugh. I've learned better now. But, my god with 5 hours left in the transfer window I finally got the bastard a deal that would have put the club $500k in the black (on a $10.5M p/a budget) which would help me in negotiations with some key players contracts before they run out this summer. The Board, with whom I have an A+ rating, blocked it. They wanted a bigger fee. Grimshaw was injured for 5 months and I got someone else on an ECL for 25% of the salary who is just as good, and I want Grimshaw gone, Don't let the door hit ya on the way out type of gone. I told the board, Grimshaw wouldn't play for me. They said they weren't in a financially suitable place so they needed a larger fee. All in good time I'm thinking.. let's stop the bleeding get to summer and get business done. Meanwhile, with the smallest payroll by far, I'm sitting in 7th in Championship Is there nothing I can do with the transfer window running out. I've made some other deals, maybe one more to go but good god, is there no logic to the business end of this game? I guess I shouldn't have turned a job offer after they approached me. Maybe it's just time to go looking elsewhere? Maybe the club is too small and not appreciative. I think some of you will say don't go into the red. It is my mess but I have a way out if the damn Board would get out of the way. Any suggestions?
  3. Upon further thought and research, it seems like setting all to automatic is supposed to work fine, but I'd like to build in an automatic option to follow the the Physio rec's when Injury risk is high. Follow the automatic rules I've made unless injury risk is high, then follow Physio. This could be a toggle to turn on if managers want to use it. Make sense? Seems to me the physio group is best equipped to manage higher risk situations and I could stop visiting this section every day. Make sense?
  4. Every day I visit the training center and click "set intensity to physio recommendations" after making sure my player isn't sent on a 2 week vacation. After that all the physio recommends are fulfilled but what is unnecessary and annoying is to have to click through all the "non physio recommendations" to set them back to automatic. Is that a feature or a bug? I have to, every day, manually set them back to automatic. Can we agree that a toggle, or check box to set all back to automatic or even just automatically set them back to automatic (for which I have built an intensity schedule to handle this, back to automatic. Clickety click every new day is getting old.... See all the selections for this day. While it is just clicking it detracts from the flow of the game and I've set up all the auto rules you created already. What's the deal? signed - cramped clickety click finger Thanks for your consideration.
  5. What do salary commitments include? I have exported (with no filters) all my senior, u21 and u18 squads. When I sum those salaries up n excel, it is quite a bit less than the Salary Commitments reported. I'm using p/a and I show $10,496,080 but the salary commitments sum in $12,12M I can't find my Staff salaries, but if I proxy them by taking monthly expenditure times 12 it is $3.9M which would be more than $12.12M. I'm trying to organize and make informed decisions on who to cut, who to loan, but I need to trim about $1M however, I'm sure removing a salary of say $800,000 is going to directly take $800,000 out of my salary commitments. I just started playing FM in late January, 2024. Appreciate any and all insights. Cheers!
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