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10 "You're a bum, Rock"


  • Biography
    Been playing since FM18- a really fun save with Villa on FM19 or 20 was the catalyst for my long-held interest in the club which gradually became full blown support over the next few years. I've always loved football but never truly connected with a team until I found my beloved Villa.

    I love the tactical side of football and think that is it a true art form.


  • Interests
    Music Production, Writing & Art

Favourite Team

  • Favourite Team
    Aston Villa

Currently Managing

  • Currently Managing

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  1. Just come across this, seems like the kind of thing I'd enjoy. Spurs are a perfect team for this time of year as they can become a very good side in the game with a few additions and a good focus on academy products. Very good choice as FM24 starts to wind down! Now to actually read the thread...
  2. Here we go! Can't wait for this, time to disrupt the big three in Spain. If only the people in this save's universe knew of your exploits at Southampton.
  3. The magic spark is something that is crucial to any save. I managed to ghost through 4!!! seasons of a save before I realised that I wasn't actually enjoying it and I was just carrying on for the sake of playing the game. I've gone back to managing Villa to reignite my love for FM, if that doesn't work I think I'll have a few weeks off from playing until i get the itch. Always love a save in Spain and I think I'll always keep an eye out for your career updates after enjoying this one, so I'm looking forward to your next adventure.
  4. Would be cool to see but sadly they have said lots of times that this won't happen.
  5. Been away for a bit and decided to check in, well done on wrapping up a great save! I enjoyed watching some videos on Guy Roux the other week and thought he was great, why not try and take his club Auxerre to grearer heights than he ever did? I'm also keen to manage in France, but the time it'd seemingly take to overtake PSG puts me off.
  6. Very cool idea for a save mate, I had a save with Newell's earlier in this FM cycle and loved how different managing in South America is. Some of the young players I had (already at the club!) were fantastic.
  7. Congrats on the league win, knew you'd do it.
  8. Thanks for understanding what I wanted to say. I wasn't saying that I wanted to see immediate success with the style or anything like that, I was just frustrated that the style seems very hard to pull off in the game.
  9. I hope this was a joke. There's no need to call someone bad at the game because the ME is flawed.
  10. Did you not quit your Burnley save because the game would not let you play route one? The ME is not good for defence first football. The 'realism' aspect of the argument goes out the window when you yourself quit a save because it didn't work for you, either.
  11. Got myself all excited to get started with a "conquer Europe with route one" save only to find out that the ME does not cater- at all- to tactics that aren't focused on all out attack. Not very realistic for a game that claims to be a simulation.
  12. I get the same way with saves. I dream up all these long term goals and a tactic I want to stick to, plan storylines in my head even... And then completely lose interest when I get bad results or find a save idea that I deem to be "better". I'm sort of losing interest in FM24 because I fancy playing direct/long ball this year and it never seems to work. Onwards and upwards for you though, mate! Try and stay motivated, even if you miss out on those other trophies, you're doing an amazing job in-game and with creating an engaging story.
  13. Fantastic cup win! This does seem like the start of a great dynasty. If it was me in your situation, I'd be happy with top 4 and a cup but kicking myself for not grabbing the title. Let's hope your lads push on and do it!
  14. Doing much better now cheers mate, the Mrs had me staying in bed and getting lots of rest to my dismay. It did work though! Glad to be back into FM, I'd love to start my own story but not sure how a novel/traditional story approach as opposed to being focused on me actually playing the game would go down? If anyone has any thoughts on that, please let me know.
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