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Posts posted by illionore

  1. 2 hours ago, turnip said:

    For every player who seems happy with the praise, there's a player who thinks you just insulted him, his family, his fashion sense and his favourite Pokémon. So why risk it?

    This feels so true! :D 

    It felt very odd to me... I say something nice and then they take it as an insult. Good to have different people's opinions and hearing their methods and experiences. (And that last sentence was just simply hilarious!)

  2. Thanks for these tips! I will go look at the 'previous match' data, to see what I can learn there... and thanks for the example too, whatsupdoc!

    By the way, as a 'follow up' on my "bad club situation"... I relaxed the player instructions a lot (common beginner's mistake apparently to click too many boxes - and even though I READ about that before, some people suggested which things to all put on to make it work - but for my team it only made things worse! Surprise surprise!) - Next game I won 4-1 against the current number 2 in the league and the game following it I won 2-1. To my surprise, after that, the team DID glue together and now everyone is suddenly in the 'core group'! I was quite amazed! Team cohesion is still 'poor', so even with that I'm actually not doing badly I think... and I guess it takes some more time for that to improve too. :) 

  3. Thanks for all the insights! I'm new to FM and still have a lot of things to learn! I think the tips above may help me trying to improve 'my struggles' a bit as well.

    My situation is very different from OP's: I'm playing in the lower league and my club (projected to end up around 7th at the start of the year) dropped from around 6th position all the way back to 12th ( L - D - X - L - L ). I think some of those matches I should have been able to win, BUT I think in my situation there's a LOT of trouble in the club, which I partially contribute our 'bad run' towards: There's 3 social groups plus 3-4 players constantly in the 'Other' category. One of the "not gelling players" is my team's captain and there's nothing that seems to work: he just doesn't (want to) fit in with the rest. I haven't (probably because of this) been able to raise team cohesion above "very poor" at all, even with weekly team bonding sessions, match reviews and an occasional community event. So I think I have a feeling I know where the problems are... but playing matches a bit better despite of this might help improve things a bit... hopefully the above tips can contribute to that :) 

  4. As you can probably see from my number of posts: I'm new to FM and bought FM24. Watched a lot of videos and starting to get the hang of most things in the game - but here's one thing that I am really struggling with:


    I'm trying to bend my head around how to praise my players, because somehow I don't seem to have the needed insight/information about the player and just say the wrong things. Here's a player I'm now looking at; Roy:

    1. I check his morale: Happiness: His morale is at 'Fair'. He just got injured, so I think I may want to talk with him.

    2. I open his character page and go to 'Discuss'. My Assistant Manager says: "I recommend talking to Roy to praise his performance in the last match."

    3. Okay... how do I see how he played in his last match? I see his ability score is on the rise... His form was 7.1 in the former last match, but only 6.0 in the last match, so that doesn't really give me the idea he played well? From the 'Squad' view, I can see he made an assist and a goal, but I don't know in which game. His AV RAT is at 7.27, but 'last 5 games' is at 7.00... I'm not sure what that all tells me... he's not doing as well as earlier? Why am I praising him for the last match? -- carrying on...

    4. Discuss -> Praise Last Game... Now I get 4 options to choose from:
    "You were superb with the number and quality of chances created in the last match, keep it up"
    "I thought your quality and choice of pass last time out was sensational; keep up the good work!"
    "Your tackling was spot on in the last match, keep it up!"
    "I really enjoyed your more direct approach in our last match, that's what we're looking for"
    err... saywhatnow? I don't know if his PASSING was good, or if he did any TACKLING -- where do you see this kind of information? I wasn't expecting to have to know this level of depth of how well my player possibly played... not to mention, I don't know where to see stats like that...

    5. I decide to go for option 1; "You were superb with the number and quality of chances..."

    6. The player's mood goes DOWN and changes to "Defensive" stance: "I have to admit that I'm a little surprised by your praise as I think I've played better than that."

    7. Now I can 'Back down', 'convince' or 'suggest'. Backing down tells something about "I'll have to think twice before offering you praise in the future", which doesn't strike me as a good thing to say... so I go for 'Convince': "The last performande did impress me, but if you think you can do even better, then I can't wait to see it."

    8. He's not happy about the answer and his stance goes to 'Negative', morale drops. It went from "Fair" to "Slightly Poor"


    What am I doing wrong? Was my initial feeling (in point 3) right, that he wasn't actually doing well in the last match and my assistant manager's suggestion was just wrong? Or should I have had (from somewhere) detailed information on how well his passing, tackling, etc. went in the previous game?

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