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Posts posted by Elmariachi23

  1. Hi Marc. Thanks for taking the time to reply, really appreciate the fact that you responded - I can’t think there are many who would be as publicly engaged as that :)

    I’m a bit of an old duffer who still plays CM01/02 occasionally and that probably reflects in my taste for a simple experience - I just don’t have much time to dedicate to gaming.

    Good luck with the tweaks anyway.


  2. I’m a lapsed long term player of CM/FM and picked up FM24 mobile after seeing it on Netflix.

    I’ve been playing it on an iPad but found it a little frustrating tbh, sorry;

    - scrolling is a little painful on player lists, it’s hard to stop it where you want as it often sails right past.

    - team selection is laborious. I’m used to clicking a slot and a player which was nice and simple. Here it just takes too long and becomes a chore.

    - I don’t really feel as if my tactics had much impact on games. Maybe they were bad tactics 😁 It just felt a little random as to what happened.

    - the core metric for me has always been player ratings, including average rating over the seasons. This latter one seems a little buried when you’re trying to assess a new player for purchase. 

    For me, I think a football management sim on mobile or tablet has to be quite simple to be fun to play. Anything with depth requires a PC, a mouse and a keyboard.

    I tried to get into FM24 mobile but I just got a little bit bored though I’m probably not the target demographic anymore 😬

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