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Everything posted by makefootballgreat.com

  1. Captains can be really important, they seem to help the team performance and galvanise, just like real life to be honest. I tend to look for leadership, determination, teamwork as well as age. As well as that I look secondary at the personality I liked driven and determined. I agree with a lot of what has already been said. I have been known to buy a ready made captain if I do not have anyone to fulfil the role.
  2. I think it boils down to certain gulfs or pinch points like someone mentioned above. The championship to the Premiership is a massive gulf in class and staying there is difficult. As well as that the competition is fierce to get out of the Championship. A lot of pressure and money on the line.
  3. I think one thing that is different about this year is that each club has it's own strategy and objectives. If your club is looking to develop players through your own youth academy then that is one of their values and will listen to proposals to upgrade the training facilities. On the other hand if your clubs objectives include buying high reputation players then they would rather you spend your budget on the ready made superstars in the market. These are the sort of factors that define the club culture and if you find it frustrating then you could always get another job or threaten to resign, much like managers do in real life.
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