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8 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. Right I've edited because I've calmed down a tiny bit from reading your joke of a reply. Explain this one to me then. How can I do a scouting assignment in Europe and in Italy for a full season and not pick up the likes of Scalvini, Baldanzi, Schjelderup etc when doing a 1 star CA 2.5 star PA but then I can go and manually scout them and they are 3Star CA 5star PA and interested in loan and transfer moves but not show up on any search what so every????? Just admit you've changed it from it being fine on FM23 like everyone having issues has said and ****ed it up in the process. Revert that mistake so we can all enjoy the game. You're explaining to us how to do reports and in the process picking out the odd obscure search to confirm your argument. I've literally copied my friends searches and ones streamers have done with worse scouts and similar level teams and their results and my results are literally worlds apart. I've tried half silver stars for both abilities in all parts of the world etc and I'm still getting hardly anything. I appreciate I got 8 in Brazil but not gonna lie I probably already manually scouted them by gathering team reports from different teams and then scouting decent potential players. Obviously when the box is checked is shares those reports. I'm not having the excuse I'm too stupid to use scout focuses when I've literally played the game years and used them successfully before. And then even copied evidently successful searches to nothing. Stop patronising us.
  2. @Zachary Whyte I've done a bit of a test on a fresh Arsenal save. So there still isn't much coming through after nearly 2 months on holiday. I set up at 1.5 stars 2.5 stars in Argentina, South America, Scandinavian countries and a world wide one 15-22 age for all. Scandinavia got 0 in all 3 tabs. Argentina got 0 apart from 2 in progress which produced 2 D ratings. South America produced 0s apart from 1 in progress which was a C. And World wide produced 8-0-5 but I'm pretty sure most if not all we're already scouted players from when I first loaded in as it had results in when I checked share reports. I did notice a Brazilian in my scouted players tab which apparently pinged om 2 focuses one being South America but when you go to focus he isn't in there. I've now knocked all them down to 0.5 silver star 2.5 gold and added additional scouts to the focuses and gone on holiday for a other month. So after another month Scandinavia came back 0-0-0 Argentina 0-0-2 so an extra player is now in progress. But there's also 3 extra scouts assigned. South America 0-4-1. So got an increase of 4 near matches. But also assigned 4 scouts from 1 scout. All near misses state asking price is above market value which I'd say is irrelevant and should just be in recommendations. Although the best found was only 2.5 gold starts potential and 4 stars in total with the white stars. So not really any good. The world wide one 8-10-9 up from 8-0-5 but with 3 extra scouts assigned. Near matches 2 old or asking price above market value. And not very good anyway. Also I've not noticed any new players in the scouted players tab after an extra month either. I know it's a bit long and probably some of the same stuff above but thought I'd do a test and explain what I found post update to see if anything had changed. Thought I'd write down my results here incase any of the information can shed any new light on what the issue could be. 3 months scouting at a big club like arsenal should be providing more results. Expecially for the world wide with 4 scouts assigned. Don't think I produced any aside from the pre scouted ones when loading up in 3 months when there's players like Scalvini, Baldanzi, Diamonde, Inciso, Fati which are all well know wonder kids just to name a couple. It makes the game impossible as it takes that long if they even suggest anyone to find players to update your sqaud. Even more so the lower down the leagues you go. I'm in a save in the national league and I've had to leave it as I just don't get any players suggested to improve the squad. Just to add the database has numerous leagues as playable and a total of 451k players apparently
  3. I am actually just infuriated by this. It just ruins the experience. Just quit my Brighton save going into the 4th year because its just pain staking finding players. Started a save making my own club in National North and I swear I don't even get any free transfers recommended when at Dorking when the game first came out I got loads of players recommended. No offence to Zach but he comes in here once every few weeks and it's clear as day he either doesn't have a clue what the issue is or doesn't really actually care. Just comes in patronising like we are all stupid and don't know how to set up a focus. I mean I've even watched series on YouTube and theyll have even stricter focuses on than me and get 100s of players coming in. I've been playing FM for years there is no way I'm doing assignments wrong or not broad enough. Have 20odd scouts in my Brighton save. Sending like 1 scout to Brazil, argentina, south america, belgium, france germany and so on. Litteraly got about 20 assignments with 1 scout each to either a single country or groups of counties or regions. Looking for half star CA 2.5PA and Brazil got me about 8 recommended. I search with loads of cheap easter Europe nations got me 1 recommended. The rest got me 0. Now you're not telling me that's not broad enough. There should literally be hundreds of recommended players with that star rating even if they are D,C,Bs. It's not just youth either. Tried setting them up for first team players and they just don't bring anything in. I refuse to do it manually because it's a right time kill. Everyone needs to start hammering the reviews on steam. Probably won't do anything but at least it's something. It's just killing my motivation to play
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