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Everything posted by ArnaudFeld

  1. hi, my Club build a new Stadium in the Game but from the Latitude and longitude (49.25 , 6.98) it is in the complete wrong state. But the City is correct. Seems to be a bug. The Old Stadium was correct. The Latitude and longitude from the new Stadium is the Stadium where we played when the new Stadium was build. Any Ideas to fix is? In-Game doesn't have an option for that. Thanks a lot. If you need more Information please ask
  2. That is the problem that it is not the correct state. I Hope the with an LNC to overwrite is and like you in the In-Game-Editor a didn't find anything
  3. Hey, My Club has build (I thought) in the same City a Stadium. But when I look the Stadium is from the Latitude and Longitude roundabout 93km away. But the Game says it is the Same City Any idea to Change it? Thanks to all
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