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Posts posted by dpizzle

  1. Hi all, I've been messing around with editing the skin i'm using (Electric Panther Mustermann 24), i edited some graphics and i want to try matching colours for every team, i'm liking it so far, even though it won't be aesthetically pleasing for every colour combo (looking at you Augsburg)

    also took the matching colour sidebar from the FLUT alt files, thinking about doing a matching top bar too

    Now, the main question:

    I wanted to change the "base" white text colour into the primary colour of the team, is it possible? if so what lines should i edit? 

    below some screenshots to share my results and giving examples to the white text




  2. 4 minutes ago, snowofman said:

    you'll need to learn how to read a code before digging into those kind of things

    Funny thing my major in high school (idk how to call it, you choose a specialized high school here) was actually IT and coding, guess I forgot how to code 


    anyway thanks, I’ll start with the transparent background and keep trying with the player photo

  3. 6 minutes ago, snowofman said:

    I would take a look in the file of a skin that already have it done, it's easier then explaining where to put the code in

    I probably fail cause I look the codes of complex skins like Mustermann, Statman or OPZ

    They just seem so much different from the base skin code though

  4. 2 minutes ago, snowofman said:

    often the panel (space) given to the picture is setting the size of it, so you can try and make a bigger panel

    I tried to make the panel bigger but the photo remained small as usual


    3 minutes ago, snowofman said:

    Client object browers.xml, is where you have to insert "transparency="inset number depending on how transparent"



    3 minutes ago, snowofman said:

    I would take a look in the file of a skin that already have it done, it's easier then explaining where to put the code in

    Did this, also tried to copy and paste the code from other skins to learn how to do it, I usually get big fat errors lol

  5. Hi, I want to create my first skin, i read the guides on here and i managed to change the fonts and something else

    I know a little code and i think i understand how it works but i'm still so lost. I have a couple questions to start, I only have the extracted xmls from the Resource Archiver


    1) How do I make the Player Portrait/Photo bigger? I think it's in the Player Overview Panel but I can't get it to work

    2) How do I make the skin background transparent? I know there is a base skin with a transparent background already but I'd like to figure it out for future use


    Thanks in advance

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