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15 "You're a bum, Rock"

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    Sestao River Club

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  1. I agree on the FB-D. As for attributes indeed, I think we would be looking at 18+ish attributes for concentration, positioning and anticipation. The same goes for work rate and composure, surely also incredibly high physicals. A beast of a player, just like he was IRL. I'm also thinking about individual traits. Maybe stuff like Tries to play out of trouble, bring ball out of defense and maybe even Plays short passes to replicate his tidy play. I'm thinking also about staying back at all times, but FB-D would have that covered already.
  2. Anchor and Defensive midfielder on defend duty. What's the major difference between the two? At least on eye, they just seem to behave so much similar one to another. Or could it be because of the same player used in the role?
  3. Nope definitelly not, most of the training is long term. The only case could be trainin (or not training set pieces / penalties) could have some influence. Personally in such cases I try to keep it relaxed, no physical training, more of rest, maybe some team building ecc. As for the condition indicator, in such situations it depends. If the player is in form, I would play him even if he would be a bit lower, and most likely sub him around 55th-ish minute. My approach in general is "you need to feel the squad", as some players need more rest to perform, some can play 3 games in 7 days and still perform (and survive). One thing I wouldn't do is to use 2 different XIs for different matches.
  4. I got through the whole thread, really interesting. I like the thinking proccess and working-in the inputs. Really some great food for thought!
  5. Congrats! 12th place finish, with 10 points in excess, now that comes as a great surprise! Hopefully now with the money flowing in, you can concentrate on building the squad proper.
  6. It's been a great run, shame it came to an end!
  7. Oh man, your board is really a pain! This one, the previous one too. I mean what exactly are they expecting? Miracles?
  8. Now that's a picle! This seems like a great player on first look, but then pretty much at every thinkable role as DC, DLR or DM he has some shortcoming. Personally - despite not that good jumping and heading skills, I would consider him as a IFB on the left (if thats a role that could come handy to you).
  9. You are fighting against a totaly different world. The january window looks like you've set yourself up well for the battle, fingers crossed!
  10. Great year, 10 pts in your first season is a hefty cushion!
  11. Hold tight! I remember my first season I had a good start too, then I ran into a 17 games winless streak (totalling like 4pts during that). But as long as you stay up, it's fine.
  12. Congrats on getting promoted! And I'm happy to see you are doing so well so far! I'm stuck in Liga 2, battling through my 5th season now, hopefully you will stay less in there
  13. Things arent looking pretty. How does the board feel about the situation?
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