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1 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. I'm back with more news! Unfortunately, I attempted to hire one of my coaches as my assistant manager, he promptly accepted my offer, and he has absolutely no tactical style. Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated, as i'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Thanks!
  2. As far as I can tell, they work together the best they can. So I think as well as playing route one football, he ALSO likes his players to work the ball into the box sometimes. Not 100 percent though, would be interesting to see how that sort of thing can vary in game.
  3. Hi Zach, thanks very much for your unexpected response, it is greatly appreciated. I see what you mean now, and can only apologise for my lack of through testing. However, the situation doesn't make a lot of sense to me, because surely I should be able to see what my assistant manager's tactical style is before I hire them? It just doesn't seem to make sense, especially as a feature that wasn't present in the previous game. I will give it another shot (although this still doesn't explain my assistant manager losing his tactical style whilst managing my team in my coruna save) Thanks again, and will keep you updated.
  4. Hello there. I've recently come back from a long hiatus due to a bug in one of my other saves not being fixed. I decided I would just start a new career, so I got everything set up as I would like, join a team, and look to hire an assistant manager. Consider me shocked when I attempt to find someone with the tactical style "tiki taka", when it says that there are no results. so I have a look at a random one, (that is unemployed) and there is not a tactical style in sight. In fact, the only managers and staff that have them are all employed(Not including youth level managers, they don't have them either). I tried this with another save with man city and a lot more leagues, same result. And guess what? This is the EXACT same glitch that stopped me from playing the game in the first place, which I made a post about, which I will link here (nothing happened with it, no reply at all.) Please, even if it's a generic response, provide me with some sort of reply, it would be greatly appreciated. I'm also willing to answer any questions which may assist with the solving of this problem. Thanks.
  5. Hey there. I've created an account specifically for this, because it's hacked me off to the point where I don't see myself playing the game until it's fixed. I ported over my FM23 Coruna save loving it, and then slowly but surely my results have deteriorated (I'm currently playing a Director Of Football save, so my assistant manager does everything tactically.) I check his stats to see if his tactical style has randomly changed (another bug which hasn't been fixed yet), and low and behold, it's just totally disappeared. Huh, that's strange. I look all the places I can think it may have been moved to for this year's game, nothing. I look up the issue, and find that several people reported the issue over 6 ENTIRE MONTHS AGO, and it STILL hasn't been fixed. absolutely incredible and astounding stuff. I'm now at a significant disadvantage, because A: every manager in my league has one, and my assistant manager doesn't, meaning that every league game I play is a terrible display from my team, and B: I've played for 3 and a half months like this, tanking losses with my team that was pushing for a title in december, now to be outside of the playoffs in April, thinking that I was the one doing something wrong. I very much look forward to a reply. Thanks for reading.
  6. Hey there. I've created an account specifically for this, because it's hacked me off to the point where I don't see myself playing the game until it's fixed. I ported over my FM23 Coruna save loving it, and then slowly but surely my results have deteriorated (I'm currently playing a Director Of Football save, so my assistant manager does everything tactically.) I check his stats to see if his tactical style has randomly changed (another bug which hasn't been fixed yet), and low and behold, it's just totally disappeared. Huh, that's strange. I look all the places I can think it may have been moved to for this year's game, nothing. I look up the issue, and find that several people reported the issue over 6 ENTIRE MONTHS AGO, and it STILL hasn't been fixed. absolutely incredible and astounding stuff. I'm now at a significant disadvantage, because A: every manager in my league has one, and my assistant manager doesn't, meaning that every league game I play is a terrible display from my team, and B: I've played for 3 and a half months like this, tanking losses with my team that was pushing for a title in december, now to be outside of the playoffs in April, thinking that I was the one doing something wrong. I very much look forward to a reply. Thanks for reading.
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