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1 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. What role do you think suits the AMR position best? My right IF never performs, I'm guessing this is because of he clashes with the SS.
  2. Thanks, getting a lot more xG per game doing this.
  3. Hi. I'm pretty bad at making tactics but I've finally made one that I actually like. I find it really easy to create good chances as my players make lots of overlapping runs that create overloads in attack. Though of course, it isn't perfect and I concede a lot of goals with it. I have a few questions/problems: My wingbacks often go incognito which I assume is because of my very narrow formation. Would complete wingbacks do a better job affecting play? Or should I push them up a position and have the occupy the WB instead of DL position? I notice that since I usually create overloads in attack I'm vulnerable to counters. Is there anything I can do to help this? I would appreciate any misc thoughts on my tactic.
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