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Posts posted by Nowalis

  1. I love FM and my Xbox, but once you played the ‚regular’ FM on PC, there’s no turning back. I tried console with multiple saves, but always quit soon. So I just want to post two wishes for FM25 onwards and hope they get heard somehow.

    1) Unify the game versions: Other games are released for different platforms, too. But except for some minor UI-tweaks for controller-support, everything else stays the same across all those platforms. FM has multiple versions that create completely different gaming experiences instead, which makes little sense. Microtransactions should be beneath your dignity. FM25 promised better menus and I really hope that means they’re all the same on every platform, so that the game looks and feels the same wherever you play it.

    2) Introduce mods to console: Besides console missing out on a lot of features from the PC version, it’s just not immersive at all. You can mod your game on PC to fix that (e.g. facepacks, real name fixes), but you can’t mod the console version. Please change that like Fallout, Ark and many other games did on console already - it is technically possible. That would make the console version playable and raise the chance to lure players from EA FC to FM. Right now, when you know the PC experience, console is just bad.

    Looking forward to FM25 and dreaming about playing the game on the sofa the same way I can play it on any PC. Cheers for creating a great game in general though. Hoping the best for its future and the big overhaul in November…

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