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  1. thank you....that is a massive misstep imo. You should ALWAYS be able to move folders and repoint to them. Especially something like this that can get very large.
  2. It didn't help. It still defaults the support location to the onedrive no matter where I install it. There is obviously a config/path file somewhere that would need to be adjusted so you can move the Sports interactive directory.
  3. Doesnt really help. Gave it a shot but the directory still goes to the one drive. May have to pay Microsoft so I can enjoy FM lol.
  4. I think I know what the issue is. When it is installed from the microsoft store it makes the "onedrive" the default location for all data like saves, etc.. So it creates the Sports Interactive directory there. How do I change where the game is looking to another location? The onedrive simply isn't big enough to start putting all the custom stuff there unless you want to pay microsoft.
  5. I think I know what the issue is. When it is installed from the microsoft store it makes the "onedrive" the default location for all data like saves, etc.. So it creates the Sports Interactive directory there. How do I change where the game is looking to another location? The onedrive simply isn't big enough to start putting all the custom stuff there unless you want to pay microsoft.
  6. I downloaded through Microsoft store...so I misunderstood. then. My apologies. First time I have played the game.
  7. Unfortunately not running in steam. Its installed and running locally. Yes the g is lower case
  8. Exactly what I am thinking also. There is an option/path that is looking in the wrong place but I am unsure how to get it to look in the right spot.
  9. correct they are in this folder. All custom graphics packs in that folder are not being recognized
  10. ccorrect it is a custom face pack and other custom graphics packs. Right now it doesn't seem to be looking in that folder for those graphics. I can try that again this afternoon but I have tried it 2 times so far.
  11. I recently moved from my old desktop (windows 11) to a high end MSI gaming laptop running Windows 11 with up to date GEFORCE drivers. The saves and graphics folders were previously on the onedrive. I moved to the new machine and installed FM24 from the Microsoft store like before. It initially was pulling the data from the onedrive location but I decided to move it local to the machine. When I did this most of the faces and other supplemental graphics vanished. Reading the forums it appeared I may have an issue with the preference and caches directories so I followed the developer instructions posted and copied them to my desktop and started over. This did not work. I still do not see any of these graphics. I did note that the save games moved back to the cloud after this although I did not do that I just loaded them from All saves (even a new one I created for testing) and all skins (including the FM original) have the same issue. The faces of the players, staff and even my manager are blank. The id does match to a face in the graphics folder but it seems obvious to me that the mapping isn't pointing it to that location. I have cleared the cache and unchecked the "Use Caching" checkbox. I am unsure what I need to change to get the game to look at the C:\Users\(username)\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2024 folder. I posted in the forums but no one has offered anything to resolve the issue. Thank you for your assistance.
  12. additional information after more effort: Graphics driver is up to date, Windows 11 fully patched same issues with all saves not just one. same with all skins even the FM Face issue includes manager profile and all staff as well Faces do match images in the graphics folder...the images just are not loading. Truly seems like some kind of mapping is broken but not sure where to look to fix it,
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