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  1. Hi!@Zachary Whyte Im sorry i didnt see you responded already. His name is Yunes Ilieri hes a striker. Could also be Yunus Ilieri And is there a way i can download the uploaded save game? I lost all my save games but it might still be here so i visiting the forum again and then also noticed you had already responded. My bad
  2. My best striker/player keeps getting selected for the u20 sometimes on match days and i will not be able to play him. He is not selected when asked before the game. I unchecked the box at staf settings. And when asked i checked all players hes not in the selection but hes still registered to that squad and unable to play in my first teams game. And i really need him cause he is my top scorer and overall best player rating wise. When i right click him and selection there is also nothing ticked. Also he didnt play and hes not on the reserves bank of the game but hes still unaiavable cause he has been registered for another squas wich meanas the under 19 Also when i hover him it says not avaiable for u19 but he stil gets registered I have added my save file. Am i missing something or is this a bug. I would greatly appreciate someone looking at this cause its sucking the fun out of a really great save and game for me Thanks in advance, Rob Kramers
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