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Everything posted by kastrix89

  1. @Bentfi do i set level divisions in advanced rules? as tier 1 is prem Tier 2 is east and west Tier 3 is regional 4 divisions...
  2. @BentfiThis works thank you, ill see how i get on from now
  3. I couldnt add it? Its not in other countries at all
  4. It wouldnt let me add nation rules on my one...i spent 30 mins trying lol least you got that to work thanks
  5. also @Wolf_pd i support FC Eindhoven ( there my dutch team)
  6. How do you add the file ? Lol im not very technicaily gifted. https://www.leaguesimulator.eu/football/create This is league simulator. Very basic
  7. Good day fellow players, Ive been in the editior for around 24 hours and still not got it to work. The history of Kergle (Kernow + beagle) The league system has 3 tiers: Kergle Premier League (14 teams) 2 teams relegted Kergle 1st Duvision 12 teams per league (east and west) 1 team promoted and 2 teams relegated Kergle Regional leagues (8 teams per league) (SW SE NE NW) 1 team promoted and 1 relegated also theres 3 cups Kergle cup (fa cup of all clubs in kergle football including relwgtaed non regional sides (theres 10) Kastrix Motors Cup (league cup for all prem and 1st div sides) Regional cup (for all 32 regional league sides) there are around 74-76 sides split into 8 Counties/states using 3 languages. English, kerglese (based on the cornish/gaelic language and icelandic in some cites (as the countrys creator was a Nordic person looking to settle in a new land (i have a long history despription some where) I cant seem to get the promotion and relegation to work (what dont help is theres one extra west side this season in 1st division playing in the east) id love some help if possible Id appraieate some time as i have done 4 years off FM and used a site called league simulator (which dont go into any details) and i play it in real time. Below is the history Kergle General facts Full Name: Kergle National Motto: For one and all Population: 4,070,046 Major Cities: Capital City: Eleni in Metern Largest City (by size): Heidke in Grangon Largest City (by population): Heidke in Grangon Ranking of the 5 largest cities in YOUR COUNTRY: 1st - Heidke in Grangon 2nd - Eleni in Metern 3rd - Pactall in Mira 4th - Meisior in Toblox 5th - Sosolou in Lieven The country is split into 8 County's: Mira, Grangon, Frerior, Toblox, Lieven, Camwall, Metern and Olnwick. They each have different features and capitals. Mira - Capital city - Pactull - This is the smallest region in the country and gets the highest rainfall. Mira is the newest region and is only 43 years old. Grangon - Capital City - Heidke - Heidke is the largest city in Kergle. The countries technology is mostly built here including car manufacturer Kastrix Motors. Frerior - Capital city - Nodor - is where the Tv station have residence. The national TV company are called Kergle Televise/radio Network (KTRN). There are 5 main channels and the rest of the channels are the region specific. Each channel focuses on something different. Sport, news/politics, entertainment, films and a second entertainment channel (that shows repeats). Toblox - Capital city - Meisier - Toblox is famous for its science district. Great minds travel to Toblox to look at different styles of work. Lieven - Capital city - Sosolou - Lieven is fully into the Keren language and is the region that really gets behind the nations language. Fluent speakers of Keren will have no problem but the dialect is very strong. Alot of famous Kergles live here such as sports star Samuel 'Jam' Frede. Lieven is also the first county formed in Kergle. Camwall - Lemmen - Camwall is famous for food production. Alot of farmland here is used for this. Most people prefer to speak Engish rather than Keren. Metern - Capital city - Eleni (also Kergle capital) - Metern (which is Keren for king) is the government and Kings land. All polices and rules are made here. Eleni is named after Grizgors' only Daughter. Olnwick - Capital city - Mena (which is Keren for Mountain). Olnwick is short for Olnwick Mountains. The mountainous area is the most beautiful part of Kergle and realies heavily on tourism. Besides the mountains there are lush areas of flat country land as well as the Meur Lydnow (Great lakes). The Meur Lydnow surround the tallest mountain Called Grizgor which stands at 1458 ft. The Meur Lydnow are called Fragorn, Havare and Tritone. Named after the Close Guard Of Grizgor Culture: Language(s): Keren (cornish), English. Religion: no official religion Typical sports: Football, archery, Quiz, animal contests, E sports. Typical food: Chicken, pasta, pasties, coconut. Typical animals: Beagle, chough, Politics: Type of government: Elected government Leader (president,queen/king, etc.): king and Prime Leader Enemies: - none that are known Allies: none that are known Existing unions: none Economy: stable Currency: KP - Kergle Pound More Facts: Legend dictates that Kergle was founded by Grizgor. He was a great leader from a far away land looking for a better land for his people. When they founded what is now called Kergle they named there tallest mountain after him. Grizgor was a great speaker but was prone on being attacked, he was an ok warrior but needed protection. His Close Guard were called Fragorn, Havare and Tritone. Grizgor - Married Clafone bringing together the two families of ancient civilations. They fled looking for a place to call home. It took 24 years to find a new Land which eventually was called Kergle. Grizgor had three children. His eldest son Havare, his only daughter Eleni and his youngest son Yona. His wide died given birth to Yona. Each year on June 21St is a national hoilday to celebrate who has left this world. Fragorn - was the best warrior in the land and was undefeated until his death of a broken heart when his wife, Rofea died while swimming in Lake Fragorn. Havare - He was a gifted archer and is the son of Grizgor. His mother Clafone died at child birth of Havare's brother Yona. Tritone - A woman of all talents. She could battle (her favourite weapon was the axe). She could talk and was the oringal general for Grizgor. National hoildays January 2nd Grizgors day (the death of Grizgor) is celebrated as he gave so much to Kergle and he made sure people were not sad when he left. March 19TH - Eleni birthday - National woman's day. Eleni is very much unknown except she had many children. June 21St - Yona Birthday - national day of mourning - Despite Yona being born Clafone died through complications. Grizgor never loved Yona truly, Yona left the region but is beilived to have died on his travels. September 23Rd - Havare birthday - Liberal day. Havare was the first known gay man of Kergle. This is why Kergle is such a liberal place thanks to the son of Grizgor. Despite this Havare did have a son Called Hizgor ( his father's son). Hizgor was a great speaker and became the first Known King of Kergle. SIMILAR COUNTRIES ON EARTH: Overall: the county of Cornwall, england Culture and language: Cornwall Political position: Liberal countries like Iceland, Finland, and Sweden.
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