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Posts posted by BrunosTaxi

  1. 4 小时前, crusadertsar说:

    I like the look of your 2nd tactic! Makes me think of how I would visualize current German national team tactic at the Euros. Except maybe Kroos role set as a very creative halfback. I really like how this team plays and have been working on a recreation of it in FM24.

    Yes! It was indeed inspired by the Germany tactic! We definitely need a HB on support for the kroos role for fm25.

    This tactic in game is attacking so well but also not that good at defending. I got a 5-3 win against Arsenal. That’s why I won’t use it against big teams unless I can make the defense more solid. Because I just hate conceding:(

  2. Hi everyone, I would like to know if you do any adjustments on your defense first tactic when facing the "big teams"


    I'm currently managing Newcastle. After 3 seasons, I've managed to create my own defensive-solid tactic that plays the way I wanted.

    However, I discovered that when I played against the "big teams", we always struggled to control possession and defend open plays. We concede 2+ goals regularly against them even tho I have players that match their quality


    Here's the tactics I use:



  3. im using something very similar, Bruno on dm DLPs, Joelinton cm BWMs on the wb's side (B2B if facing weaker teams), Willock on MEZa on the lcm

    Surprisingly, Willock is having the best performance out of the 3. 

    For Tonali, I feel like he's a mix of Bruno+Joelinton. I still can't figure out how these 3 can work together


    After struggling and doubting for a while, I looked at a lot of threads here and also asked some questions. And I think I've figured out something finally!

    Thanks for everyone's amazing contents and especially @Cloud9 advice. I just want to make an update to show you my progress.


    Here are some changes that I did on my previous 433 Libero tactic.

    3-2 build up ---> 2-3 build up


    As all of you can see on the above image. I was getting counter on the red highlighted areas a lot on my previous tactic using the IFB-CD-IFB setup. The 2 IFB are way too deep in my liking in order to intercept the opponents' long ball clearance.

    So I pushed my fullbacks to the midfield area to create a 2-3. This helps me to control the match a lot more and reduce the damage from getting countered.


    Livramento is not a IFB

    I used Livramento as the right IFB in the previous tactic as I believe he has height and he can also play cb naturally. But this had limited his attacking ability and also leaving my wingers isolated.

    Thats why I changed him to a WB and be one of the 3 in the 2-3 buildup. If he decides to push up to join the attack, RCM will cover his space to keep the shape.

    This also provides more support to my RW Olise and allows him to stay narrower in order to further unleash his creativity.


    Supporting the LW

    Since my LB was a IFB previous and a IWB now. My left winger would be isolated without any supports. So I changed my LCM to a mezzala to stay closer to the LW and it works wonder!! They even interchange their position with the CF sometimes. These 3 often create chaos on the left side. 

    Also, since my LCM (Joe Willock) has a profile that is similar to a winger. That's why I think he will perfect there!


    And finally, here's my newly tweaked tactic! I got a lot more goals with this new tactic while maintaining the possession. We also conceded way less "unnecessary" goals and way more solid defensively.


  5. 8 小时前, Daguimar_说:

     Hello everybody, I'm currently managing Las Palmas in the first division of Spain and I've decided to adapt the tactic into a vertical tiki-taka as I've never tried it. I selected the preset and I chose a 4-2-3-1 since it was other popular formation used by many in FM and it could be more motivating as I only have experience with 4-3-3. Media predicts us to finish 18th so I don't expect wonders. However, I feel like we underperform a lot and conceed many goals while also making really difficult to score.

    As you may have seen in the recent matches, I don't know what happens to our defense that we get destroyed by most of the teams (even the ones that should be in the same page as us, for example Granada) and it is really frustating to lose many matches, I tried setting up friendlies in order to increase motivation but it feels useless as we lose or draw many times in league, same for the team meeting.

    This is the tactic, as I've said, vertical tiki-taka, the players are good at passing and the things that kind of need to be modified (In my opinion) are the following:

    - Don't have two playmaker roles
    - We lack width atleast in defense, instead of having two FB I could change to a WB 
    - I don't know if Counter and Counterpress + Distribute Quickly can work in a tiki-taka

    - I feel that the AF is not that involved in the game and there are games in which he feels useless

    Any help is welcome. Also, I would want some feedback on the roles of the tactic and the TI in the Out Of Possesion category


    Captura de pantalla (198).png

    I wouldn’t have the double pivot as CM when u already got 2 FB that would join the attack. That makes your rest defence very vulnerable. Also, I think you can increase the width a bit.

  6. 53 分钟前, Cloud9说:

    The 4-3-3 is good but you are lacking engagement / cohesion in the front 3. W(s) + IW(s) is a fairly non threatening combination to opposition defenders. IW(s) in particular will get involved a lot in buildup play...I would look for at least one of these roles to be an attack duty.

    Isak can be a great complete forward, which I would recommend for a style set up around controlling possession.

    Opening up the width will help with what you're trying to do as well.

    Thanks for the feedbacks! Yes I do change Isak to complete forward when facing tougher opponents to get more control. About the IW, I was hoping to utilise Olise’s creativity to be more like a playmaker on the wing (something like Bernardo silva). Would it be better if I swap the RPM to the left so the 2 playmaker won’t be staying on the same side. Or should I change him to IWa or even APa?

  7. Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum. I recently got inspired by all the amazing contents here and decided to create my own tactics. 

    All of my tactics are designed to dominate the possession and limit the opponents' attack just like Pep's City. However, I think I have trouble balancing between attack and defending.

    This is the tactic I'm using in the first half of last season. Despite having over 60% possession every game and defending well, my team can't score, getting a lot of 1:0 or 0:0 games. 



    In the second half of the season, I switched to a 4231 but the problem of not scoring is even worse. I saw my wingers and striker got no supports in game. So I tried to push both DM to the CM position and pull the wingers to LM RM and form a 4411. We got so much better in attack but then I'm not satisfied with the possession and defence. If I make some instruction to fix these problems (like adding 'Hold shape' 'Slower Tempo' 'Narrower' or adding more support roles), my team loses the attacking ability again.

    This is the tactic I use now and some of the 'not ideal' results:





















    And one more thing, I seem to be conceding a lot of goals from the half space area. My midfielders are just standing outside of the box and leave people open.



    I'm really annoyed by these problems and it would be great if I can have some advice. Thanks.



  8. 3 小时前, crusadertsar说:

    I also abandoned it at one point but now came back to using it selectively against specific opposition (inferior opponents who don't press me hard in my half). It seems to work well but then I have a BPD player who is practically a playmaker with excellent vision, dribbling and passing attribute of 17.

    Is it necessary to keep the play out of defence TI if I want to have high possession?

  9. I’m trying to use this system in my Newcastle save. I switched from 433 to 4231 recently to improve my attacking threats. However, I often find that my wingers and strikers are not getting enough support and hence my team is not scoring. I tried to push the 2 dm up to the cm position and drop LW RW to LM RM. With this 4411, my team performs a lot better in attacking but not doing so great at defending and possession. If I make changes that ask my team to defend better and control the game more, they can’t score again… I just can’t seem to get the balance right :(

  10. Hi everyone, I’m currently using a 4231 > 325 with Libero system. The 2 dm roles are DLPs (Bruno G) & Tonali (SVs). The DLP are supposed to form a double pivot with the L when attacking and SV when defending. But I found that the DLP often drifts to the center or even other side. He stays too close to the Libero when attacking  and leaving my left winger with no option to pass back. He also stays too central when defending and often leaves the half space open either allowing cut back  open shots or opponents directly dash in between my lb and cb. 

    Is there any way to fix this problem? Change roles or add PI?

  11. 14 小时前, crusadertsar说:

    The thing with one-striker systems is that they are very player dependent. Meaning that if your striker is "hot" (high consistency hidden attribute helps) then you will score goals and probably win more games but the moment he gets bad streak you won't score as much and will probably lose more or get more ties. It can be very frustrating. Also the problem is compounded by the fact that in FM match engine you can never rely on your inside forwards and central midfielders to carry the weight of goalscoring. Sure they can chip in from time to time. But they won't guarantee you goals. For this reason two striker systems like 4-4-2 have always been very reliable going back to days of FM13 and FM14. Even good old 4-2-3-1 will guarantee you more goals. Sadly it's the reason why I always gravitate towards those two formations in each FM. Even though 433 has always been my favourite. It's just too frustrating because of this.

    Thanks for your reply! So does it mean that there isn’t any big problem with my tactics and player roles? All I have to do is to try tweaking it to a 4231 or 442 in order to get similar results + score more?

  12. 1 小时前, crusadertsar说:

    The thing with one-striker systems is that they are very player dependent. Meaning that if your striker is "hot" (high consistency hidden attribute helps) then you will score goals and probably win more games but the moment he gets bad streak you won't score as much and will probably lose more or get more ties. It can be very frustrating. Also the problem is compounded by the fact that in FM match engine you can never rely on your inside forwards and central midfielders to carry the weight of goalscoring. Sure they can chip in from time to time. But they won't guarantee you goals. For this reason two striker systems like 4-4-2 have always been very reliable going back to days of FM13 and FM14. Even good old 4-2-3-1 will guarantee you more goals. Sadly it's the reason why I always gravitate towards those two formations in each FM. Even though 433 has always been my favourite. It's just too frustrating because of this.

    Thanks for your reply! So does it mean that there isn’t any big problem with my tactics and player roles? All I have to do is to try tweaking it to a 4231 or 442 in order to get similar results + score more?

  13. Hi everyone, I have been reading this thread and also the "crafting 433" one for a while, and I decided to make my own defence-first tactics with high possession (since i hate not having cleansheets and i love to control the game)

    After a couple of tries, I've came up with this setup with a 3-2 build up. As you can see from my result after using my own tactics, I successfully archieved a solid defense and also over 60% possession every game.



    Despite archieving my goals, my attacking isn't working as I wanted it to. My striker is not getting enough chances and therefore not scoring. Gordon(LW) is not aggressive enough on the wing. And Olise (RW) is not creating chances as I want him to (I have tried AP and T for him, also not working)

    This problem reflects on my result as there are quite a few low scoring games and also a late draw with Fulham. We are also not putting enough pressure against stronger teams and give them opportunities to counter despite controlling the game.

    It would be great if I can get some advice on my setup. It is my first time digging this deep and creating my own tactics:)

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