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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. Ok so from what your saying again how how comes they arent attacking enough given they i have put them as IF to help the striker is it because they are on support duties ?
  2. Thank you for coming back to me will look at tweaking a little so do i not have enough cover defensively do you think as a lot of the players are pushing up?
  3. Hi, was wondering if you can help me where i am going wrong on fm i have set up a tactic that i always dominate teams with possession but always concede goals and lose a lot of games and dont really know where it is im going wrong. I play a custom Gegenpress i want them pressing high up the pitch but it seems that the only 1 that is pressing is my PF. I want the team as a whole to press ideally but i tend to concede silly goals like crosses along the floor where its like sometimes the opposition is scoring into an empty net or my defence are in no mans land. I play a 4 3 2 1 My formation roles are as follows GK (SK FB(Supp BPD BPD FB (Supp) DLP (Def) BBM (Supp) BWM (Supp) IF (Supp) IF (Supp) PF My instructions roughly are In possession: Narrow width, short passing, high tempo, focus play through the middle, underlap left, underlap right, In transition, Counter press, counter, GK to distribute quickly to full backs and centre backs, Out of possession: Defensive High line, High line for attackers, trigger press more often, pressing trap is trap inside. Now im MK Dons in league 2 and have a good squad for that league just dont understand why im struggling so much any help will be greatly appreciated. I want to press high up the pitch win the ball back as soon as i lose it and play nice football not asking for much haha any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
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