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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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    Atletico de Madrid

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    Atlanta United
  1. Cool? I don't know which editor you think couldve caused this, assuming you thought the pregame editor, it was the ingame editor. Like i stated before, I know why each of my players who were duplicated were, and that was because of the MLS draft bs that happens in december where i lose a part of my team. What did happen was that I used the ingame editor to resign each player back onto my team from being free for other mls teams to get. however, the problem doesn't right now have a solution and if you have any ideas/solutions regarding these duplicated players I'll take the suggestion. All i want to do is play the game and this file in specific that, yknow- I spent time on. I don't want to abandon ship and redo it all over from 2022 when the glitch only occurred after and during the world cup(of that save). If it being on fm23 is such a big problem cant you guys literally transfer this fm23 file into fm24 and help me that way, i only suggest that because I want to play my save and if going on fm24 could solve it sobeit I'll play fm24. I just want to play my save, that's all. Like i said, I am willing to take suggestions.
  2. I know how they sort of got duplicated, during Dec of the last seaon for the files save the team released x amount of players as per MLS rules, but I dont know how these few are remaining to be duplicated. Screenshot "a" is just the registration screen showing nineteen players excluding the two duplicated players that are currently in my team right now, when selecting to make them registered the count as +4 players. Screenshots "b" and "c" are me trying and assigning a # to one of the duplicate players but being reset back to having to number them two when I can't. Also, side note, there are two other players "within" the squad who had transferred out on loan/permanent(i have loan players set to hide but it would show) transfers and still show on my team # registration screen when not in the match but regularly
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