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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"
  1. That’s an interesting question! It would be amazing if FM incorporated more real-world economics like in "Money and Soccer." The financial side of football is so complex and can really change the game dynamics. I love when games dive deep into that kind of detail, but it can be overwhelming, too.
  2. This PDF guide sounds super helpful! I love having everything in one place when diving into something new, especially with a game as detailed as this. It’s like having a cheat sheet to understand all the nuances. I’m a huge fan of guides like these because they save so much time and make learning the ropes way easier.
  3. Hey there, brother! Sounds like you’re having some tournament issues, huh? That’s a real bummer, man. Sometimes the systems get all tangled up, and it can throw your flow off, right? Maybe it’s just a cosmic glitch in the software. If you’re looking for some creative relief while sorting this out, maybe take a break and dive into something chill. Writing can be a good way to clear your mind.
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