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Everything posted by kransen

  1. Has anyone managed to make a wide midfielder a real attacking threat? Want my right winger be an off the ball menace, running in behind to receive the ball in the channels and either center it or try to finish it himself.
  2. Is there a way to get a wide midfielder to run in behind a lot? I have a player that in real life plays like this: In defense playing almost like a wing back in a back 5 (right back behind tucks in) In offensive transition is almost the furthest ahead together with an advanced forward, threatening with runs to receive the ball in the channel between opponent's full back and centre back In offensive possession, keeps the width as a winger would, but still making the runs mentioned above when opportunity arrise When the attack is on the opposite side, sneaks into the box for far post headers I have tried IF (A) with stay wider, but that is not good enough defensively. I have also tried a variation of DW (S), WM (A/S) and W (A) but none of them achieve the threatening runs often enough. Anyone knows how I can achieve this using instructions and maybe player traits?
  3. Thank you! That is good info regarding the youth intake. Do you have any knowledge regarding player development, and when different attributes develop? If I want players to have a good physical baseline, is it wise to focus a lot on physicals in U19 training, or do I risk stunting their general development? For team work and work rate I guess mentoring would be good then.
  4. I was wondering if there was a training guide or some knowledge here regarding setting up a training organisation. I have found some steam assets but that seems to mainly be focused on gaming the system to maximise efficiency. I am looking for more of a guide to setup a coherent organisation, from tactics to staff, facilities and training. My example is that I usually play with high intensity, not meaning gegen press but I want my team to run a lot and be “difficult” to meet. So lots of runs in attack and an intensive pressing mid block (usually). For this I need players with high values in stamina, work rate and team work, and I want players coming up from the youth setup to share these key values. How can I setup an organisation to create this culture of intense tactics? related questions are: - should I look for staff with some key attributes? Especially HoYD? - how can I influence with training? How can I maximise these attributes without messing up their technical development? (At what age should I develop physical attributes vs mental and technical?) - how can I use mentoring?
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