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1 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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    Manchester United

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  1. @knap i’m using free demo, best tactic for season 1 united with casemiro etc please ?
  2. @knap the same recommendations on this particular page ? and how i do get access to the TI and PI's for your tactics please ?
  3. i didn’t scroll up to see this before writing my post but again i agree, and personally i’ve never been able to finish a save on pc, albeit also because my mac would overheat, but i play on ps5 for all my games so that too. either way we really need the game versions to be unified for fm25 please!
  4. can fm25 on console have the same features as the pc version or at least bridge the gap on the features considerably ? some of us don’t want the console to be a “streamlined” version and it’s frustrating as a new ish player to do research and find out most features are missing from the console version. when i say console, i mean specifically ps5 btw. i enjoy playing the game and i get it was a pc game originally, but why does it have to be a thing where i am missing out on so much, just because of my console preference.
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