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14 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. Agree with all of the above! What I find really interesting is watching the streamers who essentially get paid to play FM… even they are clicking through the game at a million miles per hour most of the time, ignoring 95% of anything outside of match day unless its a transfer window. If these people with all the time in the world can’t sit through press conferences or set up full training schedules etc, then what chance does Joe Bloggs working 9-5 have!? The people who think normal FM is fine are people with hundreds of hours to burn or people who can ignore the side stuff like media etc (admittedly I hate delegating as seeing my assistant say crazy stuff or take the plaudits is cringe to say the least) and happily carry on. Time for a change me thinks!
  2. Nope - I’m in agreement with you! When I see pics/videos of older FM’s I think the less bloated look feels way more appealing. Especially with the player base increasing, I’d imagine more people would prefer a clean, simple look. And the data can still be there but buried a bit deeper for all of those who have the time and enjoy that side of things.
  3. Wholeheartedly agree! I forced myself to play FM24 this week, 20 hours in and I’m in December, feeling absolutely burnt out by the game already Downloaded FM Touch on my iPad and managed to get the graphics sorted on it, yes its missing little tid bits, but my god at least its playable! I can actually see myself going 5-10 seasons deep rather than procrastinating over whether to even begin playing full fat FM!
  4. This goes for myself, however… Its crazy how good an option FM Touch or Console is, considering its similarity to earlier FM’s, but with a bit more added - yet so many people (myself included) just do not commit to playing it! I think because the full fat game is out there I almost feel obligated to play that or not play at all, I have literally shunned FM Touch/Console previously due to the real name fix etc. It’s almost the ‘ah I can’t eat the perfect healthy diet so I’ll eat complete rubbish instead’ 😂 quite bizarre really when I think about it, maybe I need to change my own mindset!
  5. Hello all, Long time FM player here (aged 33 now), obviously FM was my hobby of choice throughout my teenage years, however the older I am getting the more it seems I am reading or thinking more about the game than actually playing it. I can’t remember the last long-term save I had now, I’ve had brief runs on FM Touch in recent years and always get tempted to play the full game on my laptop, however on the other hand even the thought of the full fat version seems a chore at times. Especially after work! How has your relationship with FM developed over the years? Do you still play the full fat version, or have you migrated to Console or Touch? Also how do you manage your time on the game, I understand how streamers or teenagers can enjoy the game for what it is trying to be - but I’m intrigued to see how a typical adult working a full time job, with a family and life manages to play the game. Is there certain play styles or little hacks I’m missing!? As I say, intrigued to hear about your relationships with FM and how they may have changed! Thanks!
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