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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"
  1. This looks great; I'm just looking to alter some settings on the editor to my own personal preferences. In particular - substitute rules. I like 3 from 3, as don't like too many substitutions in games I've noticed that the European Cup has several rounds under just one stage. Within this competition you can amend the number of substitutes easily. (Under the "rounds" header, there is a substitution rules column you can edit for each round. However, with the European Cup Winners Cup and UEFA Cup, there are instead several stages, (one for each round), with no separate round settings on the editor. It's not at all obvious how you can edit the number of substitutions in these two competitions. Do you know how I would be able to edit this information in these two competitions please? Top work by the way - it must have taken a long while to complete this project! Matt
  2. I don't think this is in the game already but perhaps an option where a player in a certain position, (eg: right-back), stays back when a player in another position, (eg: left-back) pushes forward, (when team is in possession of the ball). This is a very traditional ay in which teams are set up, but I don't thin it exists as an option within FM2024 - you can only choose to have one of the players play in a more attacking way and the other in a more defensive.
  3. In essence, number of rounds means how often each team plays the others in the stage of the competition. So setting it to 2 round means each team plays every other team twice in that stage of the competition, (eg: the Bundesliga league only has one stage, so 18 teams means each team plays 17 other teams. With the number of rounds set to 2, that means 34 games, (17x2). Hopefully, that helps!
  4. Perhaps also it would be a good idea to change transfer preferences in countries so that most players purchased are home nation players?
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