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Everything posted by Repete

  1. Put player weights back on players in 2025, This is a mistake! And.. If my dog wakes up and starts acting weird. Ill call the vet. Caring for the health of my pet doesnt mean that my integrity is bad. If my 18 year old left back with 8 dribbling and 8 finishing is scoring and running around premier players then ill post it hoping for a resolution. Again that doesnt mean i have bad integrity. Now i see alot of people make videos about game flaws. Its likely not their bad integrity either. Why would influencers who depend on this game for money complain about it unless they were trying to respond to their community with some integrity. I doubt they want the game to die. In their shoes I would put off the subject as long as i could untill the comments and post became more than they can ignore. Using some common sense here. help me out.
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